Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - ERME TOPIC CONFERENCE

Scientific Program

The conference will start on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 10 am and finish on Friday, October 7, 2016 at 2 pm. 

The two plenary talks will be given by José Carrillo (Spain) as well as Bärbel Barzel and Rolf Biehler (Germany).


Plenary Talks

José Carrillo, University of Huelva, Spain

From collaborative research to MTSK: a story of knowledge

Several years ago, we (researchers) were visited by a group of primary teachers who asked for problem solving tasks for their students. They shifted our perspective on research. We decided to research _with_ these teachers on their profesional development. After several years, we focused on teachers'  knowledge, the main aims being to get an analytical model to describe and interprete that knowledge of teachers which is determined by the subject (mathematics), and to achieve some ideas for future application in pre- and in-service teacher training. This model is the Mathematics Teacher's Specialised Knowledge (MTSK), which has been developed and applied in a collaborative way (group of researchers and group of researchers and  teachers). The MTSK is composed of several domains and subdomains, including mathematical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and beliefs.


Bärbel Barzel, Universität Essen, Germany

Rolf Biehler, Universität Paderborn, Germany

Domains of knowledge & Design principles for the professionalization of teachers and facilitators:
Two examples from the DZLM

The DZLM (German Centre for Mathematics Teacher education) is a joint research and development institution of seven German universities to set new standards and prototypes for the professionalization of mathematics teachers. The developed programmes are framed by research-based design principles and models for domains of teachers’ and facilitators’ knowledge and competences.

In the lecture we will elaborate DZLM’s models and principles by presenting two exemplary programmes for upper secondary level teachers both to implement the new national standards: one focussing the use of digital tools for teaching and learning mathematics and one focussing on probability and statistics as a new subject for most teachers.