Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Differentiated Instruction (Marcela Pozas)

Suggested citation: Pozas, M. (2022). Differentiated Instruction. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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In times of rapid global changes and increasing diversity among the world’s society, schools worldwide are facing a highly heterogeneous student population that differ, amongst others, in readiness, motivation, interests, and social competences (Dijkstra et al., 2016; Maulana et al., 2020; Watkins, 2017). Worldwide, inclusive education is a highly important topic of policy debate that has shifted from the inclusion of students with special needs to the participation to all students (Schwab 2020) by emphasizing the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, as a means to ensure quality education for all (Watkins, 2017). As a result, policymakers urge teachers to make use of inclusive teaching strategies to provide valuable learning for all students within a learning group (UNESCO, 2017). Differentiated instruction is a promising inclusive teaching approach that aims to meet students’ individual learning needs by maximizing learning opportunities (Gheyssens et al., 2020; Loreman, 2017; OECD, 2018). In order to maximize learning, Tomlinson (2017) suggests that teachers should modify the content, process and products in correspondence to their students’ readiness, interests and learning profile, as well as continuously monitor their students’ academic process (Dack, 2019).

Differentiated instruction can be defined as the intentional, systematically planned, and reflected practices that enable teachers to meet the needs of all learners in heterogeneous classrooms (Graham et al., 2020; Letzel et al., 2020). In order to address effectively student diversity within, teachers can implement differentiated instruction through a variety of instruction behaviours. In order to facilitate secondary school education teachers’ instructional decisions, Pozas and Schneider (2019) proposed a taxonomy of differentiated instructional practices attempting to bridge the gap between educational theory and everyday instructional practice. The taxonomy is framed within current differentiated instruction literature and research and builds on existing literature by providing teachers with practical advice on how to design and differentiate their instruction. The taxonomy of DI practices is divided into six categories (Letzel et al., 2020):

  1. Tiered assignments: qualitative and/or quantitative variation of materials and tasks according to challenge level, complexity, outcome, process, product, and/or resources.
  2. Intentional composition of student working groups: establishing decidedly homogeneous or heterogeneous subgroups based on performance, readiness, interests, etc.
  3. Tutoring systems within the learning group: high ability students take up the role of teacher assistants and tutor low ability students. These roles may persist for a long term.
  4. Staggered nonverbal learning aids: carefully and purposely designed series of learning aids that range in complexity level. The learning aids must only contain the minimal information necessary for a student to overcome an obstacle in the learning process. If they still are unable to deal with the task, a second aid with additional information and guidance is provided, and so on.
  5. Mastery learning: all instructional practices which ensure that all students achieve at least minimum standards (in combination with higher standards for the more advanced students). This involves close monitoring of students´ learning progress.
  6. Open education / granting autonomy to students: Students are responsible for their own learning process and may autonomously decide on materials to work upon. Examples of such practices include: student choice of tasks, station work, project-based learning, portfolios, etc.

Despite being distinct instructional methods, the different practices categorized within the taxonomy are not necessarily conceptualized to be implemented uniquely. Some practices may only be effective when used in a meaningful combination. For instance, homogeneous within-class grouping demands implementing adapted assignments or materials (Lou et al., 2000), and heterogeneous within-class grouping suggests setting up peer tutoring systems (Slavin, 1987). In other situations, however, the different DI practices might limit each other’s practical use: mastery learning implies teachers’ thorough monitoring of students’ learning progress, while open education/granting autonomy suggests quite the opposite. Moreover, none of these practices can be identified as “the most appropriate”, given the fact that each practice may have its advantages and disadvantages.

Differentiated instruction has been related to positive achievement and non-achievement student outcomes. For instance, multiple studies have reported positive effects of teachers use of differentiated instruction on students’ mathematics and reading achievement (Bal, 2016; Goddard et al., 2015; Reis et al., 2011). Furthermore, studies by Lindner et al. (2021) and Pozas et al. (2021) indicate that students’ perceptions of their teachers’ differentiated instruction use strongly predicted students’ well-being, social inclusion, and academic self-concept. Likewise, differentiated instruction has also been reported to foster learners’ interest, motivation, and self-confidence (Eysink et al., 2017; McQuarrie & McRae, 2010).

DI as a core element of teaching quality

Scientific literature has recognized differentiated instruction as an important teaching quality domain (Maulana et al., 2020) and core element of effective teaching that seeks to ensure equity as well as educational justice (Lindner & Schwab, 2020; OECD, 2012; Valiandes & Neophytou, 2018). The implementation of DI is by no means just a normative recommendation, but an important criterion of high-quality teaching (Klieme, 2018). Additionally, differentiated instruction has been included within prominent teaching quality model conceptualizations and studies regarding the domains of teaching quality (Bell et al., 2019; Hattie, 2009; Praetorius et al., 2018; Van de Grift, 2014). Results from a recent comparative study by Maulana et al. (2020) provided empirical evidence that DI may be considered as a specific domain of teaching quality in different countries like the Netherlands and South Korea. Thus, it can be assumed that the implementation of DI as a criterion of high-quality teaching is important to be considered at all organizational levels: the macro (school track), meso (school) and micro level (classroom teaching) (Letzel et al., 2022).



Bal, A. P. (2016). The Effect of the Differentiated Teaching Approach in the Algebraic Learning Field on Students' Academic Achievements. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) 16 (63), 185–204. doi:10.14689/ejer.2016.63.11

Bell, C. A., Dobbelaer, M. J., Klette, K. & Visscher, A. (2019). Qualities of classroom observation systems. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 30 (1), 3–29. doi:10.1080/09243453.2018.1539014

Dack, H. (2019). The role of teacher preparation program coherence in supporting candidate appropriation of the pedagogical tools of differentiated instruction. Teaching and Teacher Education 78 (1), 125–140. Retrieved from [19.01.2022].

Dijkstra, S., Creemers, H. E., Asscher, J. J. & Deković, M. (2016). The effectiveness of family group conferencing in youth care: A meta-analysis. Child abuse & neglect 62, 100–110. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.10.017

Eysink, T., Hulsbeek, M. & Gijlers, H. (2017). Supporting primary school teachers in differentiating in the regular classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education 66, 107–116. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2017.04.002

Gheyssens, E., Coubergs, C., Griful-Freixenet, J., Engels, N. & Struyven, K. (2020). Differentiated instruction: the diversity of teachers’ philosophy and praxis to adapt teaching to students’ interests, readiness and learning profiles. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–18. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1812739

Goddard, R., Goddard, Y. & Minjung, K. (2015). School Instructional Climate and Student Achievement: An Examination of Group Norms for Differentiated Instruction. American Journal of Education 122 (1), 111–131.

Graham, L. J., Bruin, K. de, Lassig, C. & Spandagou, I. (2021). A scoping review of 20 years of research on differentiation: investigating conceptualisation, characteristics, and methods used. Review of Education 9 (1), 161–198. doi:10.1002/rev3.3238

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Abingdon: Routledge.

Letzel, V., Schneider, C. & Pozas, M. (2020). Binnendifferenzierende Herangehensweisen zum Umgang mit Heterogenität im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe I: Vorschlag einer Taxonomie zur Systematisierung [Instruction as a means to handle in-classroom student heterogeneity in secondary education: proposal of a taxonomy]. Empirische Pädagogik 34 (4), 331–349.

Letzel, V., Pozas, M., & Schneider, C. (2022). Challenging but positive! An exploration into teacher attitude profiles towards differentiated instruction (DI) in Germany. British Journal of Educational Psychology.

Lindner, K.-T. & Schwab, S. (2020). Differentiation and individualisation in inclusive education: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–21. doi:10.1080/13603116.2020.1813450

Loreman, T. (2017). Pedagogy for Inclusive Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.

Lou, Y., Abrami, P. C. & Spence, J. C. (2000). Effects of Within-Class Grouping on Student Achievement: An Exploratory Model. The Journal of Educational Research 94 (2), 101–112.

Maulana, R., Smale-Jacobse, A., Helms-Lorenz, M., Chun, S. & Lee, O. (2020). Measuring differentiated instruction in the Netherlands and South Korea: Factor structure equivalence, correlates, and complexity level. European Journal of Psychology of Education 35 (4), 881–909. doi:10.1007/s10212-019-00446-4

McQuarrie, L. M. & McRae, P. (2010). A provincial perspective on differentiated instruction: The Alberta Initiative for School Improvement (AISI). Journal of Applied Research on Learning 3 (4), 1–18.

OECD. (2012). Equality and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools. OECD Publishing. doi:10.1787/9789264130852-en

Pozas, M., Letzel, V., Lindner, K.-T., und Schwab, S. (2021). DI does matter! The effects of differentiated instruction (DI) on secondary school students' well-being, social inclusion and academic self-concept. Frontiers in Education.  doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.729027

Praetorius, A.-K., Klieme, E., Herbert, B. & Pinger, P. (2018). Generic dimensions of teaching quality: the German framework of Three Basic Dimensions. ZDM: mathematics education 50 (3), 407–426.

Reis, S. M., McCoach, D. B., Little, C. A., Muller, L. M. & Kaniskan, R. B. (2011). The Effects of Differentiated Instruction and Enrichment Pedagogy on Reading Achievement in Five Elementary Schools. American Educational Research Journal 48 (2), 462–501. doi:10.3102/0002831210382891

Schwab, S. (2020). Inclusive and Special Education in Europe. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education Oxford University Press. Online pre-release. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1230

Slavin, R.E. (1987). Ability Grouping and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools: A best-evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research (57), 293–336.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2017). How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms (3rd ed.). ASCD.

UNESCO. (2017). A Guide for Ensuring Inclusion and Equity in Education. Retrieved from [19.01.2022].

Valiandes, S. & Neophytou, L. (2018). Teachers’ professional development for differentiated instruction in mixed-ability classrooms: investigating the impact of a development program on teachers’ professional learning and on students’ achievement. Teacher Development 22 (1), 123–138. doi:10.1080/13664530.2017.1338196

van de Grift, W. J.C.M. (2014). Measuring teaching quality in several European countries. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 25 (3), 295–311. doi:10.1080/09243453.2013.794845

Watkins, D. C. (2017). Rapid and Rigorous Qualitative Data Analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 16 (1). doi:10.1177/1609406917712131