Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Inclusive (Subject-Specific) Didactics (Laura Rödel & Toni Simon)

Suggested citation: Rödel, L. and Simon, T. (2022). Inclusive (Subject-Specific) Didactics. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Pech et al. (2017) argue that the development of inclusive (subject-specific) didactics is still incomplete, and it is important to discuss the first drafts of the inclusive (subject-specific) didactic system and review it empirically. Ziemen, however, initially describes inclusive didactics as general didactics that claim to be valid for all children and adolescents irrespective of their abilities and opportunities for development, referring to the overall organization of teaching and learning and to education, pedagogy, dialogue, communication and cooperation (cf. Ziemen, 2017, p. 107). As considering all dimensions of heterogeneity in the classroom when planning and teaching lessons (cf. Grosche, 2015, p. 35) is of key importance for inclusive didactics, this requires conscious, reflective treatment of the heterogeneity of learners and learning. Additionally, this implies reflecting on the conditions for development and socialization in general and must be seen as linked with a pedagogy which is sensitive to milieu, culture and gender (cf. Seitz, 2011, p. 51). In this sense teachers do not concentrate on the supposed special needs of special children, but rather on fundamental questions relating to teaching/learning processes with the focus on recognizing the essential diversity of learners (cf. Korff, 2015, p. 53). To guarantee this, teachers require adaptive strategies based on the fundamental premises of inclusion pedagogy (cf. Simon, 2015), accompanied by the corresponding facets of adaptive teaching competence

This type of inclusive didactic activity is based on the results of formative, inclusive didactic diagnostics (cf. Prengel, 2016) that are clearly distinct from classic diagnostics and support differentiated forms of progress monitoring and feedback that encourage learning (cf. Geiling & Simon, 2017, p. 103). It is also co-constructive, as inclusive teaching should be planned, delivered and reflected upon multi-professionally, while actively incorporating learners as experts on their own learning (Seitz & Scheidt, 2012). With regard to the topics and content of teaching, inclusive (subject-specific) didactics are shaped by the tension between individualisation (e.g. internal differentiation) and commonality (e.g. through cooperative learning). Both aspects should be taken into consideration to create a balance, facilitate critical reflection (Häcker, 2017; Kullmann, Lütje-Klose & Textor, 2014, p. 91), and meet the requirements of inclusion and inclusive education. Another important field of tension that could potentially lead to paradoxical requirements in professional situations (e.g. selection vs. support, Teumer, 2012) lies between performance orientation and the creation of differences.

Inclusive general didactics can be seen as an important foundation for inclusive subject-specific didactics. In recent years, discussions in the first of these fields have exerted an ever-increasing influence on the discourse on subject-specific didactics. On the other hand, the empirical study of inclusive subject teaching didactics by Seitz (2005) has given tremendous momentum to the discourse on general inclusive didactics. As depicted in the Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning, the process characteristics of participation, communication, cooperation and reflection have a decisive influence on the character of inclusive (subject-specific) didactics, concretising them accordingly.



Geiling, U. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusion in der Grundschule. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Geiling, U. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusion in der Grundschule [Inclusion in primary schools]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Grosche, M. (2015). Was ist Inklusion? [What is inclusion?] In P. Kuhl, P. Stanat, B. Lütje-Klose, C. Gresch, H. A. Pant & M. Prenzel (Ed.), Inklusion von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Schulleistungserhebungen [Inclusion of pupils with special needs in surveys of school achievement] (p. 17–39). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Häcker, T. (2017). Individualisierter Unterricht [Individualized teaching]. In T. Bohl, J. Budde & M. Rieger-Ladich (Ed.), Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht [Dealing with heterogeneity in schools and teaching] (p. 275–290). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Korff, N. (2015). Inklusiver Mathematikunterricht in der Primarstufe: Erfahrungen, Perspektiven und Herausforderungen [Inclusive math classes in primary school: Experiences, perspectives, and challenges]. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Pech, D., Schomaker, C. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusive Fachdidaktik Sachunterricht [Inclusive subject didactics general studies]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 124–125). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Prengel, A. (2016). Didaktische Diagnostik als Element alltäglicher Lehrerarbeit. „formatives Assessment im inklusiven Unterricht“ [Didactic diagnostics as an element of daily teacher’s work. „formative assessment in inclusive education“]. In B. Amrhein (Ed.), Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung. Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte [Diagnostics in the context of inclusive education. Theories, ambivalences, actors, conceptions] (p. 49–63). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Seitz, S. (2005). Zeit für inklusiven Sachunterricht [Time for inclusive general studies]. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Seitz, S. (2011). Was Inklusion für die Qualifizierung von Lehrkräften bedeutet. Gewinn für LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen [What inclusion means for the qualification of teachers. Benefit for teachers and pupils]. Journal für Lehrerinnenbildung 11 (4), 50–54.

Seitz, S. & Scheidt, K. (2012). Vom Reichtum inklusiven Unterrichts - Sechs Ressourcen zur Weiterentwicklung [The richness of inclusive teaching - Six ressources for enhancements]. Zeitschrift für Inklusion (1–2). Retrieved from [09.09.2017].

Simon, T. (2015). Adaption - woran und wofür? Adaption als Kerngeschäft inklusionsorientierter Sachunterrichtsdidaktik [Adaption - whereof and for what? Adaption as core business of general studies didactics]. In K. Liebers, B. Landwehr, A. Marquardt & K. Schlotter (Ed.), Lernprozessbegleitung und adaptives Lernen in der Grundschule. Forschungsbezogene Beiträge [Learning process support and adaptive teaching in primary schools. Research-related contributions] (p. 229–234). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Teumer, S. (2012). Parodoxe Handlungsanforderungen an LehrerInnen im Spannungsfeld der Neugestaltung des Schulanfangs [Paradoxical action requirements for teachers in the area of tension of reorganization of the beginning of the school year]. Zeitschrift für Inklusion (3).

Ziemen, K. (2017). Inklusive Didaktik [Inclusive didactics]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 107–109). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.