Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Vocational School: Reading Techniques

Project title: “Introduction to reading techniques” (90-minute unit)

Development goal: Reading strategy training for the sustainable promotion of reading comprehension in vocational content lessons

Teaching measures: Reading techniques for selective and detailed reading were taught and tried out in exercises using material on the topic of “sawing”.

Bild Arbeitsmaterial Berufsschule.jpg

Figure 1: Work sheets (complete material, in German)

Accompanying research/ evaluation: Pre- and post-survey of the students (questionnaire, self-assessment), class discussion afterwards, observation and reflection by the teacher and the student

Results: The pre-survey revealed little specific prior knowledge and experience of reading techniques, although the term "reading technique" was known. The majority of pupils did not understand specialist texts sufficiently or attach little importance to full comprehension.

The subsequent questioning and discussion (after the teaching measures) showed that text comprehension was facilitated by the use of reading techniques. The majority of the class (approx. 2/3) found the use of the reading techniques useful and practical and wanted to continue using them or look for new ones. The glossary was found to be particularly helpful; the teacher wanted to continue to integrate this and other strategies into the lessons and pay more attention to his own use of language.

This lesson development was part of a larger school development phase on language-sensitive teaching; in this context, the development of the starting point, the implementation and the evaluation of the measures were discussed among the teaching staff.