Reflections of Researcher-Teachers
Quotations of researcher-teachers from the project
Here are some impressions from teachers who took part in the project.
On the connection between practice and theory in the project
“(I) consider (...) the connection between school education and university education to be very important, as practice and theory are inseparable. (...) During the process, I found the continuous exchange with the partners from the school and university very enriching. Without one of the two sides, it would not have been possible to implement the project in this kind of quality. This also ensured a certain reliability of the results, as critical factors, such as methodological deception, could be directly prevented.”
On self-image in development and the impact on the relationship with the children
“I think it was largely the same before that I always tried to talk very openly with the children about what I was doing and why I was doing it, and I also asked the children for suggestions on how I could do it better, because I wanted to get them thinking about it. But I think it was also really good for the children to see that I myself am someone who doesn't always have all the answers and always does everything right, but also looks at some things first and then thinks again about whether it works or whether we need to change something. I think it's very interesting for the children to see that it's not an all-powerful teacher, but someone who thinks about things and continues to learn.”
On achieving goals with the help of the project
“For me per se, one wish was and still is to motivate pupils in such a way that they can cope more successfully with what is happening in the classroom and find their way around it better. (...) That has already helped. And I don't think it would have been possible to do this systematically in a normal lesson because, as I said, it's very time-consuming.”
Added value of the project compared to independent lesson development
“At school, your own practice settles in, so routines develop, some are good, some are not. And with the literature too - well, there's a very long delay before things from research arrive in the school (...) The selection is not chosen in a reflected kind of way, it happens by chance, some colleagues give you something, then you read it, find it good or bad. But you don't get specific information on a topic... The fact that you [the project manager/ researcher] were able to give me so many good hints is (...) So it's extremely helpful and an extreme luxury, so to speak, and also a service that is very valuable.”