Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Necessary Ressources

Here you will find advice on what time and work needs to be invested in order to carry out this type of project.

If you are curious about this approach, a first step for you as a teacher would be to consciously integrate this type of project into your existing work routine. You must first take a close look at the existing situation in the classroom and determine a development focus, then choose a specific goal and find methods to achieve it. Only after finding this developmental goal, it is advisible to act in the classroom. Finally, you also need time to evaluate the effects of the used method or intervention.

These steps take place over a period of several weeks and also require a bit of time - writing a diary can contribute to deeper reflection and dealing with (inner) resistance, but you can also record successes and fresh ideas in it.

Working on a practical issue together in a team can save time. If you go through this process with colleagues - e.g. in a Professional Learning Community - and seek guidance or advice on the process for other, external experts, you will work more efficiently and your results will probably be more long-term and sustainable.

However, you should definitely bear in mind that you need to plan at least 1-2 hours per week for your project.