Individual Development of Competencies (Julia Frohn)
Suggested citation: Frohn, J. (2022). Individual Development of Competencies. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:
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The term “competence” has been a part of pedagogical discourse for nearly fifty years. As early as 1971, Heinrich Roth linked it to the central goal of education, i.e. to foster maturity as a competence facilitating the ability to act responsibly (cf. Roth, 1971, p. 180). Moreover, it was Roth who developed the distinction between self-competence, subject competence and social competence still used today. However, the concept only gained renewed relevance in the German-speaking educational field in response to the TIMSS and PISA studies of the late 1990s and following years, ultimately becoming central to the formulation of educational standards (cf. Oelkers & Reusser, 2008, p. 23). According to a resolution passed by the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), these standards describe the competencies that students must have acquired by a certain stage in their education (cf. KMK, 2005, p. 6) in the subjects of German, mathematics, the natural sciences and certain foreign languages. The KMK claims that levels of competence are an indispensable requirement when defining minimum standards (cf. ibid, p. 15).
FDQI-HU also focuses on fostering subject-specific competencies; however, the project enquires into the subject-specific didactic conditions and potential according to which inclusive teaching can be structured. This is to enable pupils to acquire subject-specific competencies individually and adaptively at different levels, with corresponding levels of competence being envisaged dynamically rather than statically. Ultimately, although the development of a multi-stage model is a fundamental requirement for a criterion-oriented assessment of individual competence levels to which the evaluation of examination performance could be linked (cf. Frey, 2014, p. 713), closed levels of competence limited to cognitive performance can neither reflect the complexity of inclusive teaching nor permit differentiated statements with regard to individual or social reference standards. Instead, it is important to facilitate the acquisition of subject-specific competencies while incorporating a balanced view of the various reference standards.
Although there are now numerous and widely varying definitions of the concept of competence in education (cf. Blömeke et al., 2015; Drieschner, 2009; Klieme & Leutner, 2006; Ladenthin, 2011; Lederer, 2014; Metzger, 2011; Pant, 2013; Schott & Azizi Ghanbari, 2012; Ziener, 2008; Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia & Seidel, 2011), they pose no serious competition for the most-cited definition of competence propounded by cognitive psychologist Franz E. Weinert and used by the KMK to formulate educational standards. Weinert describes competencies as the cognitive abilities and faculties that are available to individuals or can be learned by them for the purpose of solving certain problems, and the associated motivational, volitional and social dispositions and abilities to use the solutions successfully and responsibly in variable situations (cf. Weinert, 2001, p. 27f.).
The FDQI-HU project is based on Weinert’s interpretation of the concept of competence but opposes the reductive equation of “educational standards” with “competencies”. Instead, FDQI-HU interprets the concept of competence more widely and fans it out into six dimensions based on Weinert’s definition (cf. italics below) and the etymology of the term (cf. Huber, 2004), each of which has various implications for inclusive teaching (for details cf. Frohn, 2019):
The individual dimension: depending on the diversity of the learners and based on everyday didactic diagnostics performed in classroom situations, inclusive teaching must contain differentiated learning opportunities that facilitate individual access and development.
The cognitive dimension: individual support should promote the acquisition of subject-specific competencies at various levels. Here it is necessary not only to consider cognitive competencies but also to pay attention to all competencies relevant to the development process so that hierarchies based on cognitive dispositions do not arise.
The motivational dimension: in inclusive teaching, methods of encouraging motivation include participation (co-determination of topics and content, goals, learning forms, methods and media) and taking individual interests, competencies and dispositions into account – here equal consideration must be given to cognitive, social and creative/aesthetic parameters.
The social dimension: inclusive teaching involves cooperation between teachers and pupils, thus enabling pupils to develop a fundamentally supportive but also critical attitude towards meritocratic competition.
The normative ethical dimension: according to the principle of egalitarian diversity (Prengel, 2001), inclusive teaching involves appreciating diversity while fostering individuality, thus preventing mechanisms of exclusion in line with the ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning.
The performative dimension: competencies only become visible through performance. Appropriate progress monitoring must focus on the process of supporting the development of the entire personality and communicate the results transparently and participatively within a culture of appreciative feedback.
The “individual development of competencies” at the heart of the Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning is therefore oriented toward teaching practices that follow the basic principles of inclusive (subject) teaching. It also focuses on differentiated development opportunities for all pupils – ultimately, a didactic model suitable for inclusive learning groups should consider that teaching can not only aim to foster cognitive competencies but must also encourage the cultivation of competencies in all areas if it is to inspire eclectic learning that is fair to all children (cf. Textor, 2012). This corresponds to the perception that individual abilities and faculties are often mutually dependent in many respects (cf. Lederer, 2014, p. 370) and that competent action requires at least a minimal manifestation of all the elements that constitute competence (cf. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia & Seidel, 2011, p. 229). Here, above all, reference is made to the conjectural separation of cognitive competencies on the one hand and motivational/volitional elements on the other.
Beyond this distinction, discourse on competence often assumes a dichotomy between the principles of disposition and performance (cf. Blömeke et al., 2015, p. 7), which is why the concept of competence is also defined as a continuum or progression between these two poles (cf. ibid). FDQI-HU is oriented toward this definition but interprets competencies as snapshots of a relational process of development from disposition to performance, an approach that corresponds with the assumption that process characteristics are essential to the success of inclusive teaching. Following Wolfgang Schulz’s Hamburg Model (1981), FDQI-HU also interprets the concept of competence in constant interaction with the principles of “solidarity” and “autonomy”, thus opposing the idea of “competence” as a function oriented toward economic usability, which critics claim is contributing to the utilitarianization and economization of education (cf. Lederer, 2014). Thus the concept is not understood as neutral in value and content (cf. Krautz, 2015); instead, with regard to the individual fostering of competence (and competencies), it is based on a humanistic ideal of education according to which Humboldt called for a comprehensive development of human powers as early as 1809 (cf. Frohn & Heinrich, 2018). Along with the (necessary) subject-specific support, the development of competence must invariably have the learner-centered focus that is fundamental to inclusive teaching.
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