Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Adaptive Teaching Competencies (Lena Schmitz)

Suggested citation: Schmitz, L. (2022). Adaptive Teaching Competencies. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:



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Planning inclusive lessons is a demanding activity during which teachers find themselves faced with a number of complex tasks. Two of the major challenges are to gain a differentiated understanding of the pupils’ learning requirements and to plan lessons in line with their individual needs (Brühwiler, 2014, p. 60; Bischoff et al., 2005, p. 384). These processes of coordination and adjustment are frequently described as “adaptive”. The concept of adaptive teaching has a long tradition that can be traced back to the aptitude-treatment interaction research of the 1970s (cf. Brühwiler, 2006, p. 430; Martschinke, 2015, p. 17). Corno and Snow (1986) defined it as teaching that arranges environmental conditions to fit learners’ individual differences (cf. Corno & Snow, 1986, p. 621). The goal is to allow equal learning opportunities optimally usable for all pupils in heterogeneous groups (cf. Hardy et al., 2011, p. 820). The question is which specific measures can be applied to attain this goal. Differentiation and individualization are considered central strategies of adaptive teaching (cf. Brühwiler, 2014, p. 62) while other tangible components of adaptive teaching are systematized differently depending on the authors (Hardy et al., 2011; Kufner, 2014; Stebler & Reusser, 2017).

In practical terms, adaptive teaching is as eclectic as the layers of the respective teachers’ competencies. Beck et al. (2008) describe adaptive teaching competencies as the teacher's ability to adapt lessons to the learners’ individual circumstances and possibilities in a way that creates the most favourable conditions possible for individual apprehensive learning (cf. Beck, 2008, p. 47). Here, two different levels are to be considered: content, methods, media materials, social forms and learning periods can be adapted at macro-level, while teacher-pupil interactions are structured adaptively at micro-level (cf. Warwas et al., 2011, p. 855). The first of these levels requires the teacher’s careful planning of teaching activities, while the second refers to their ability to spontaneously react during the lesson itself (cf. Brühwiler, 2014, p. 68). In this respect, a distinction is also made between adaptive planning and teaching competencies (cf. Beck, 2008, p. 10).

Beck et al. (2008) propose an operationalization of the construct of adaptive teaching competencies that has since become widespread. Based on the dimensions of teacher competence formulated by Helmke and Weinert (1997), four construct facets are distinguished: (a) adaptive subject competence as a wealth of subject knowledge that can be used flexibly, (b) adaptive diagnostic competence by which the pupils’ learning requirements and levels can be evaluated, (c) adaptive didactic competence, i.e. the goal-oriented use of methodological and didactic knowledge, and (d) adaptive classroom management competence to ensure that the learning period remains active and focused and to prevent disruptions (cf. Beck, 2008, p. 41f). While didactic and diagnostic competencies strongly influence the planning of adaptive lessons, classroom management competence is only fully utilized at the active level of carrying out lessons (cf. Brühwiler, 2014, p. 88).

Adaptive teaching competencies are characterised by their unfolding during the process. This is mainly due to the great variety of facets constituting adaptive teaching that has been outlined above. While a consensus on the general understanding of adaptive teaching as well as its exigency and goals has been reached, the concrete realization of adaptive teaching in school programs and teaching situations lacks consistency (cf. Brühwiler, 2014, p. 62; Kufner, 2014, p. 55). This means that the specific actions implied by adaptive teaching competencies are not clearly systematized. Moreover, the processuality of adaptive teaching competencies is based on the need to coordinate the respective areas (subject-specific, diagnostic, didactic and classroom management competencies).

Considering that no single measure or social form can be described as adaptive per se (cf. Brühwiler, 2014, p. 94), the four areas of competence cannot be applied separately but have to be coordinated depending on the situation. Adaptive teaching competencies only become adaptive when they are orchestrated dynamically and metacognitively during the preparation and delivery of specific lessons (cf. Klieme & Warwas, 2011, p. 384). Hence, the skill of adaptive teaching is specifically linked to the respective situation and individual (cf. Beck, 2008, p. 66).

The measurement of adaptive teaching competencies, a goal which an increasing number of studies is aiming for in the context of inclusion, is a methodological challenge (cf. Beck, 2008, p. 10f) necessitating further theory-based empirical work to open up new methods of access (cf. Hertel, 2014, p. 31). During the FDQI-HU-project, based on an extended operationalization of the construct, an empirical survey and an expert procedure, an approach to measure and analyse adaptive teaching competencies has been developed.




Beck, E. (Ed.) (2008). Adaptive Lehrkompetenz. Analyse und Struktur, Veränderbarkeit und Wirkung handlungssteuernden Lehrerwissens [Adaptive teaching competence. Analysis and structure, variability and effect of action-steering teacher’s knowledge]. Münster: Waxmann.

Bischoff, S., Brühwiler, C. & Baer, M. (2005). Videotest zur Erfassung «adaptiver Lehrkompetenz» [Videotest for acquisition of «adaptive teaching competence»]. Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung 23 (3), 382–397.

Brühwiler, C. (2006). Die Bedeutung schulischer Kontexteffekte und adaptiver Lehrkompetenz für das selbstregulierte Lernen [The importance of school context effects and adaptive teaching competence for self-regulated learning]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften 28 (3), 425–451.

Brühwiler, C. (2014). Adaptive Lehrkompetenz und schulisches Lernen. Effekte handlungssteuernder Kognitionen von Lehrpersonen auf Unterrichtsprozesse und Lernergebnisse der Schülerinnen und Schüler [Adaptive teaching competence and educational learning. Effects of action-steering cognition of teachers on teaching processes and pupils‘ learning outcomes]. Münster: Waxmann.

Corno, L. & Snow, R. E. (1986). Adapting teaching to individual differences among learners. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching. A project of the American Educational Research Association (3rd ed.) (p. 605–629). New York: Macmillan.

Hardy, I., Hertel, S., Kunter, M., Klieme, E., Warwas, J., Büttner, G. & Lühken, A. (2011). Adaptive Lerngelegenheiten in der Grundschule. Merkmale, methodisch-didaktische Schwerpunktsetzungen und erforderliche Lehrerkompetenzen [Adaptive learning opportunities at primary schools. Characteristics, methodological-didactical prioritization and essential teaching competencies]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 57 (6), 819–833.

Helmke, A. & Weinert, F. E. (1997). Unterrichtsqualität und Leistungsentwicklung. Ergebnisse aus dem Scholastik-Projekt [Teaching quality and development of achievement. Results from the Scholastik-Projest]. In F. E. Weinert & A. Helmke (Ed.), Entwicklung im Grundschulalter [Development in primary school age] (p. 241–252). Weinheim: Beltz.

Hertel, S. (2014). Adaptive Lerngelegenheiten in der Grundschule: Merkmale, methodisch-didaktische Schwerpunktsetzungen und erforderliche Lehrerkompetenzen [Adaptive learning opportunities at primary schools: Characteristics, methodological-didactical prioritization and essential teaching competencies]. In B. Kopp, S. Martschinke, M. Munser-Kiefer, M. Haider, E.-M. Kirschhock & G. Ranger (Ed.), Individuelle Förderung und Lernen in der Gemeinschaft [Individual advancement and learning together] (p. 19–34). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Klieme, E. & Warwas, J. (2011). Konzepte der Individuellen Förderung [Concepts for individual advancement]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 57 (6), 805–818.

Kufner, S. (2014). Was ist adaptives Lehren und wie lässt sich dessen Qualität empirisch erfassen? [What is adaptive teaching and how can its quality be acquired empirically?]. Paradigma (6), 55–67.

Martschinke, S. (2015). Facetten adaptiven Unterrichts aus der Sicht der Unterrichtsforschung [Facets of adaptive teaching from the perspective of classroom reseach]. In K. Liebers, B. Landwehr, A. Marquardt & K. Schlotter (Ed.), Lernprozessbegleitung und adaptives Lernen in der Grundschule. Forschungsbezogene Beiträge [Learning process support and adaptive teaching in primary schools. Research-related contributions] (p. 15–32). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Stebler, R. & Reusser, K. (2017). Adaptiv Unterrichten - jedem Kind einen persönlichen Zugang zum Lernen ermöglichen [Adaptive teaching – providing each child a personal approach for learning]. In B. Lütje-Klose, S. Miller, S. Schwab & B. Streese (Ed.), Inklusion: Profile für die Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Theoretische Grundlagen - Empirische Befunde - Praxisbeispiele [Inclusion: Profiles for the school development and development of teaching in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Theoretical basics - empirical results - practical examples] (p. 253–264). Münster: Waxmann.

Warwas, J., Hertel, S. & Labuhn, A. S. (2011). Bedingungsfaktoren des Einsatzes von adaptiven Unterrichtsformen im Grundschulunterricht [Determinants for the use of adaptive teaching in primary school education]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 57 (6), 854–867.