Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Methods and Media (Toni Simon & Julia Frohn)

Suggested citation: Simon, T. & Frohn, J. (2022). Methods and Media. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Graphic: DiMiLL – methods and media - the title of the graphic is "Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning". At the top of the square shaped model it says "ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning." At the bottom it says "Self- and world-relations of individuals in school settings”. In between, split up within the four corners, are the process characteristics "participation", "cooperation", "communication", and "reflection". In between the process characteristics, three rings can be seen. They are labeled, from the outer to the inner ring, "societal conditions", "subject-specific didactic conditions", and "school conditions". In the center of the inner ring it says "individual development of competencies". Surrounding this, with reciprocal arrows, are the structural elements "topics and content", "baseline assessment", "methods and media" and "progress monitoring". The element "methods and media" is highlighted in red.


For a long time and under the primacy of didactics in the narrower sense,6 teaching methods have been interpreted as a category subordinate to that of educational goals (cf. Jank & Meyer, 2014).Hence, the history of didactics contains far more detailed theories of educational content and goals than statements on lesson planning in the form of specific methodological recommendations. While progressing from didactics of educational theory to critical-constructive didactics, Wolfgang Klafki (2007) corrected this imbalance to some degree by engaging with the emancipatory elements of methods (cf. ibid, p. 124); the general didactic concepts that followed also addressed the elementary role of teaching methodology in greater depth.

Herwig Blankertz stressed the position of methodology most emphatically by propounding the concept of the methodological key question (methodische Leitfrage, cf. cited in Bönsch, 2006, p. 171), according to which the method has a function constitutive of the object (cf. ibid) due to the variety of options available when accentuating the content of each topic. Methods can accordingly be interpreted to some degree as an interface between the teacher, the learner and the content. However, while interpretations of the interaction between methods and content (cf. Jank & Meyer, 2014, p. 253)1 have traditionally primarily questioned the relationship between these two parameters, inclusive teaching attaches particular importance to adjusting them to fit the learners.

According to Kersten Reich (2014), inclusive methods are applied within four learning contexts (instruction, learning landscape, projects, workshops), all of which are equal and must undergo constant variation, while special attention must be paid to cooperative forms of learning (cf. for example Feuser, 2013; Korff, 2012). Though it appears to be impossible to unite the concepts of instruction and inclusion, it goes without saying that heterogeneity-sensitive lessons must contain space for presentations by teachers and pupils (cf. Wocken, 2016, p. 223). Certain types of learners prefer instructive explanations rather than working things out for themselves; introductions, summaries and the systematic consolidation and development of content (cf. Reich, 2014, p. 159) can also be realized within a culture of dialogical instruction. With regard to Language Learning in the Content Classroom, the teacher functions most effectively as a language model (cf. ibid), whereby phases of instruction should alternate with other forms of learning. The terms learning landscapes, learning offices, learning studios (cf. Prengel, 2016, p. 8) or learning counters are often used to describe forms of free work that promote self-organized learning within the framework of a – sometimes purely abstract – spatial structure. Here, weekly, monthly or even yearly plans (cf. Reich, 2014, p. 321) serve as guidelines that should aim to facilitate the development of competencies at the learner's own pace, based on individual learning pathways with different qualifications in view – even though corresponding teaching-learning arrangements are by all means discussed critically.2 Learning landscapes are often subject-specific (in some cases also interdisciplinary) and structurally integrated into the school day. In ideal circumstances, the plans should contain both compulsory and optional content with the teacher constantly available to give support and advice, as teachers have an active role particularly in pupil-guided phases (cf. Häcker, 2017, p. 285). Here carefully prepared media and materials (Reich, 2014, p. 321) are just as fundamental to learning success as constant reviews of learning progress by both pupils and teachers. Projects are particularly suited to interdisciplinary work on the basis of numerous methods of development, processing and presentation (cf. ibid, p. 315) which at the same time means that pupils pursue individual development strategies while working together – loosely based on Feuser (2013) – on a common object, in the sense of an overarching learning process. Moreover, project work is application-oriented, activity-oriented, oriented on the questions asked by children and adolescents (cf. Geist, 2017, p. 278) and should be divided into individual and group activities with different requirement levels and developmental goals (ibid, p. 279) so as to permit a high degree of participation and cooperation, as well as the integration of external learning venues and partners. In this kind of access, parallels can be drawn with Klafki’s (2007) concept of problem teaching, which calls for method-oriented learning, i.e. the acquisition of transferable processes of learning and cognition (cf. ibid, p. 68). While other works often equate workshops with learning landscapes and offices, Reich (2014) positions them in the field of working groups and pupil companies (cf. ibid, pp. 323f.) that promote individual development on the basis of inclinations and interests, thus approximating most closely everyday life and the world of work.

In summary, inclusive teaching based on a varied methodology focused on both the individual student and cooperative learning processes requires a high degree of methodological competence among learners (cf. Wocken, 2016, p. 181), and the ability among teachers to use teaching methods adaptively and make them fit the situation. The selection and application of methods must accordingly meet stringent demands at the levels of subject, pedagogy and methodological critique (Stapf, 2012, p. 167).

A use of media in heterogeneous learning groups calls for similar approaches – after all, it is difficult to implement internal differentiation and individualization without a rich, varied selection of learning materials (cf. Wocken, 2016, p. 223) while critically reviewing the media used. According to Jerome Bruner (1970), there are three levels or modes of representation (enactive, iconic, symbolic3) that are just as fundamental to teaching-learning processes as customization. This customization concerns the fitting of a medium with a learner, aiming at a cumulative development of media competencies to foster an independent, differentiated use of media (cf. ibid).

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is based on the work of Lev Vygotsky and on developments in the neurosciences, is playing an increasingly significant role in this context and with regard to inclusive teaching and learning. Its guiding principle of flexibility is based on three criteria (Schlüter et al., 2016, p. 274): multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression and multiple means of engagement (cf. ibid). In the interest of universal accessibility, the aim is to achieve maximum access to media use, which – unlike deficit-oriented approaches – is conceived in such a way that all pupils can benefit from it (cf. ibid, p. 273). Digitization has caused the wealth of options available to increase rapidly, as modern multimedia is enhancing the possibilities for adapting teaching material and interacting with the learning environment – especially for individual learners – to a degree which is barely achievable in classroom teaching (cf. Arnold & Lindner-Müller, 2017, p. 253). Thus e-learning concepts in particular are showing great potential for individual customized learning (cf. Patzer et al., 2016), as they encompass various forms of presentation of the same lesson content; however, here too it must be remembered that (differentiated) media have a decisive influence on the constitution of possible learning objects.

With regard to the use of methods and media, it is accordingly necessary to reflect in depth on the fact that the learning object has the potential to change when these communication variables are modified (cf. Riegert, 2016), which is why the choice and efficacy of these options must be reviewed continually.

Moreover, methods and media can themselves be starting points for learning occasions if they can be curricularized as methods of treatment (cf. Pech & Rauterberg, 2013, p. 30). Discourse in inclusive (subject-specific) didactics also includes arguments concerning the equal status of various modes of representation and interaction (cf. Gebauer & Simon, 2012; Simon, 2015), which is also linked with the use of methods and media. Both methods and media play an expansive role in questions of accessibility and possibilities of differentiation. Some types of supported communication (cf. e.g. Wilken, 2014), for example, are based on the use of digital media. In addition, a wide variety of media is also used in the context of didactic differentiation and adaptation.

In summary, the goal-oriented use of both methods and media in inclusive teaching depends not on their variety, abundance, or the frequency with which they are changed, but rather on the possibilities of modifying them for optimized access and use, as well as their potential for learning both individually and as a group. The aim of FDQI-HU is therefore to analyze and (further) develop methods and media for use in heterogeneous learning groups.




Arnold, K.-H. & Lindner-Müller, C. (2017). Heterogenität aus der Perspektive von Pädagogischer Diagnostik sowie Allgemeiner Didaktik und Lehr-Lernforschung [Heterogeneity from the perspective of pedagogical diagnostics as well as general didactics and teaching-learning research]. In T. Bohl, J. Budde & M. Rieger-Ladich (Ed.), Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht [Dealing with heterogeneity in schools and teaching](p. 237–256). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Bönsch, M. (2006). Allgemeine Didaktik. Ein Handbuch zur Wissenschaft vom Unterricht [General didactics. A handbook on the science of teaching]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Bruner, J. S. (1970). Der Prozeß der Erziehung [The process of education]. Berlin: Berlin-Verlag.

Feuser, G. (2013). Die „Kooperation am Gemeinsamen Gegenstand“ [The „cooperation on the common object“]. Behinderte Menschen (3). Retrieved from [10.04.2018].

Gebauer, M. & Simon, T. (2012). Inklusive Didaktik im Sachunterricht: Chancen und Herausforderungen am Beispiel des Science Camp der Kinderuniversität Halle. Erfahrungen aus einem interdisziplinären Kooperationsprojekt [Inclusive didactics in general studies: Chances and challenges using the example of the Science Camp of the children‘s university Halle. Experiences from a interdisciplinary collaboration project]. Zeitschrift für Inklusion. Retrieved from [10.04.2018].

Gebauer, M. & Simon, T. (2012). Inklusiver Sachunterricht konkret: Chancen, Grenzen, Perspektiven [Inclusive general studies concrete: Chances, limitations, perspectives]. (18). Retrieved from [16.10.2018].

Geist, S. (2017). Projektunterricht - zentraler Bestandteil eines pädagogisch-didaktischen Konzeptes für das Lernen in inklusiven Gruppen [Project lessons - central component of a pedagogical-didactic concept for learning in inclusive groups]. In B. Lütje-Klose, S. Miller, S. Schwab & B. Streese (Ed.), Inklusion: Profile für die Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Theoretische Grundlagen - Empirische Befunde - Praxisbeispiele [Inclusion: Profiles for the school development and development of teaching in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Theoretical basics - empirical results - practical examples] (p. 277–278). Münster: Waxmann.

Häcker, T. (2017). Individualisierter Unterricht [Individualised teaching]. In T. Bohl, J. Budde & M. Rieger-Ladich (Ed.), Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht [Dealing with heterogeneity in schools and teaching](p. 275–290). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Jank, W. & Meyer, H. (2014). Didaktische Modelle [Didactic models] (11th ed.). Berlin: Cornelsen.

Klafki, W. (2007). Neue Studien zur Bildungstheorie und Didaktik [New studies on eduaction theory and didactics] (6th ed.). Weinheim: Beltz.

Korff, N. (2012). Inklusiver Unterricht. Didaktische Modelle und Forschung [Inclusive teaching. Didactic models and research]. In R. Benkmann, S. Chilla & E. Stapf (Ed.), Inklusive Schule. Einblicke und Ausblicke [Inclusive school. Insights and forecasts] (p. 138–157). Immenhausen bei Kassel: Prolog.

Lin-Klitzing, S. (2009). Kritisch-konstruktive versus konstruktivistische Didaktik [Critical-constructive versus constructivist didactics]. In K.-H. Arnold, S. Blömeke, R. Messner & J. Schlömerkemper (Ed.), Allgemeine Didaktik und Lehr-Lernforschung. Kontroversen und Entwicklungsperspektiven einer Wissenschaft vom Unterricht [General didactics and teaching-learningresearch. Controversies and development perspectives of ascience of teaching] (p. 73–92). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Patzer, Y., Sell, J. & Pinkwart, N. (2016). Anforderungen und ein Rahmenkonzept für inklusive E-Learning Software [Requirements and framework for an inclusive e-learning software]. In U. Lucke, A. Schwill & R. Zender (Ed.), DeLFI 2016. Die 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.: 11.-14. September 2016, Potsdam, Deutschland [DeLFI 2016. 14th e-learning symposium informatics of the Society for Informatics e.V.: 11.-14. September 2016, Potsdam, Germany] (p. 257–268). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.

Pech, D., & Rauterberg, M. (Ed.) (2013). Auf den Umgang kommt es an: „Umgangsweisen“ als Ausgangspunkt einer Strukturierung des Sachunterrichts [It depends on dealing: „Ways of dealing“ as starting point for structuring general studies]. (5).

Prengel, A. (2016). Didaktische Diagnostik als Element alltäglicher Lehrerarbeit. „formatives Assessment im inklusiven Unterricht“ [Didactic diagnostics as an element of daily teacher’s work. „formative assessment in inclusive education“]. In B. Amrhein (Ed.), Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung. Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte [Diagnostics in the context of inclusive education. Theories, ambivalences, actors, conceptions] (p. 49–63). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Rabenstin, K. & Reh, S. (2007). Kooperatives und selbstständiges Arbeiten von Schülern. Zur Qualitätsentwicklung von Unterricht [Cooperative and self-reliant learning of pupils. On the quality development of teaching]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Reich, K. (2014). Inklusive Didaktik. Bausteine für eine inklusive Schule [Inclusive didactics. Modules for an inclusive school]. Weinheim: Beltz.

Riegert, J. (2016). Lerngegenstände und ihre (Re-)Konstruktion im zieldifferenten Unterricht - Forschungsperspektiven [Learning tools and their (re-)construction in goal-differentiated teaching - research perspectives]. In J. Riegert & O. Musenberg (Ed.), Didaktik und Differenz [Didactics and difference](p. 216–233). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Schlüter, A.-K., Melle, I. & Wember, F. B. (2016). Unterrichtsgestaltung in Klassen des Gemeinsamen Lernens: Universal Design for Learning [Lesson planning in classes of common learning: Universal Design for Learning]. Sonderpädagogische Förderung 2016 (3), 270–285.

Simon, T. (2015). Adaption - woran und wofür? Adaption als Kerngeschäft inklusionsorientierter Sachunterrichtsdidaktik [Adaption - whereof and for what? Adaption as core business of general studies didactics]. In K. Liebers, B. Landwehr, A. Marquardt & K. Schlotter (Ed.), Lernprozessbegleitung und adaptives Lernen in der Grundschule. Forschungsbezogene Beiträge [Learning process support and adaptive teaching in primary schools. Research-related contributions](p. 229–234). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Simon, T. (2019). Potenzialorientierung, Sachunterricht(sdidaktik) und Inklusion [Potential orientation, didactics of general studies, and inclusion]. In M. Veber, R. Benölken & M. Pfitzner (Ed.), Potenzialorientierte Förderung in den Fachdidaktiken [Potential-oriented advancement in subject didactics] (p. 113–133). Münster: Waxmann.

Stapf, E. (2012). Didaktisch-methodische Kompetenzen [Didactic-methodic competencies]. In R. Benkmann, S. Chilla & E. Stapf (Ed.), Inklusive Schule. Einblicke und Ausblicke [Inclusive school. Insights and forecasts](p. 158–173). Immenhausen bei Kassel: Prolog.

Wilken, E. (Ed.) (2014). Unterstützte Kommunikation. Eine Einführung in Theorie und Praxis [Supported communication. An introduction in theory and practice] (4th ed.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Wocken, H. (2016). Am Haus der inklusiven Schule. Anbauten - Anlagen - Haltestellen [At the house of the inclusive school. Annexes - facilities - stops]. Hamburg: Feldhaus.




[1] In his Dialektische Didaktik [Dialectical Didactics], for example, Lothar Klingenberg states: If the content of the teaching process is its essence, the method is the form (or one of the forms) in which the essence of the teaching process becomes manifest. The form here is always the form of specific content; on the other hand, there is no content without form. Form is therefore not external per se, but rather an expression of what is intrinsic (cf. cited in Jank & Meyer, 2014, p. 253).

[2] The various approaches in this teaching-learning arrangement, which is frequently described as open, have for example not yet been selectively systematised; moreover, insufficient statements have been made on the actual scope of the learners’ freedom in corresponding forms of teaching. Moreover, the efficacy of these approaches (particularly with regard to the development of cognitive subject-based competencies) has in general not yet been conclusively clarified (cf. Rabenstein & Reh, 2007).

[3] The modes of representation described by Bruner are sometimes interpreted as a multi-stage model which is inevitably entered at the enactive level and which finishes at the symbolic level. Bruner (1970), however, declared himself to be more in favour of treating the three modes flexibly. This is exactly the connotation with which Bruner's three modes were integrated into the planning and activity model developed by Gebauer and Simon (2012; 2012a, cf. also Simon, 2015; Simon, 2019); here, communicative-interactive and sensory levels were added in order to account more effectively for other forms of access such as basal and aesthetic.