Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Subject-Specific Didactic Conditions (Julia Frohn)

Suggested citation: Frohn, J. (2022). Subject-Specific Didactic Conditions. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Graphic: DiMiLL – subject-specific didactic conditions - the title of the graphic is "Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning". At the top of the square shaped model it says "ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning." At the bottom it says "Self- and world-relations of individuals in school settings”. In between, split up within the four corners, are the process characteristics "participation", "cooperation", "communication", and "reflection". In between the process characteristics, three rings can be seen. They are labeled, from the outer to the inner ring, "societal conditions", "subject-specific didactic conditions", and "school conditions". In the center of the inner ring it says "individual development of competencies". Surrounding this, with reciprocal arrows, are the structural elements "topics and content", "baseline assessment", "methods and media" and "progress monitoring". The element "subject-specific didactic conditions" is highlighted in red.


Subject-specific didactics are traditionally positioned between educational science and the science of the respective subject. However, this dichotomous perspective no longer seems to be in keeping with the times, particularly in view of the increasing number of reference disciplines (cf. Abraham & Rothgangel, 2017). Moreover, if it is accepted that inclusive teaching and learning are essential and that there is a fundamental problem pertaining to the constant reproduction of exclusion processes in school and in society at large (cf. for example societal conditions), debate on the role of subject-specific didactics must be reopened to address it.

The relationship between general and subject-specific didactics has been discussed on many occasions (cf. Arnold et al., 2009; Bayrhuber et al., 2017; Kron, 2008; Meyer & Plöger, 1994), and was for a long time subsumed into the catchphrases knitting without yarn (general didactics) vs. knitting without a pattern (subject-specific didactics).1 Based on Kron (2008), the relation between the approaches can be classified through four constellations: as 1) a hierarchical order and 2) a situational context in the sense of subsumption, or 3) as organization through divided responsibilities and 4) cooperation on a common task in the sense of complementarity (cf. Arnold & Rossa, 2012, p. 14). In inclusive teaching, the role of subject-specific didactics should no longer be interpreted as subsumption or in line with a hierarchical gradient; even the concept of divided responsibilities does not adequately describe the network of relationships between the disciplines. FDQI-HU consequently interprets the connection between general and subject-specific didactics as a complementary partnership: firstly because overarching social goals have to be formulated in subject-specific terms, and secondly because subject-specific didactics must be open to general, interdisciplinary contexts. The expansion of subject-specific didactics should therefore not be seen as a sign of crisis in the field of general didactics (cf. Meyer, 2014), but rather – with regard to inclusive teaching-learning processes – as a necessary development and particularization of general didactic traditions. Subject-specific didactics are for example required to select suitable exemplary teaching objects from among a much greater number of possible subject-related objects (cf. Abraham & Rothgangel, 2017, p. 15); furthermore, there is a belief that learning using a common object2 (cf. Feuser, 2002) can only be concretized with subject-specific didactics (cf. Kullmann et al., 2014, p. 102). Thus didactic decisions are co-determined by the autonomy of the material structures (cf. Blankertz, 1991, p. 49), which is why there is an urgent need for inclusive subject structures – not least because here, too, the subject standards set by educational policy and the customary test-based reviews of these often stand in the way of heterogeneity-sensitive processes.

The desiderata for inclusive teaching are particularly marked in the field of subject-specific didactics, with two tendencies3 (that are also determining factors in non-subject specific discourse on inclusion) being observed during implementation: firstly, subject representatives tend to focus on certain dimensions of heterogeneity, mostly concretized in the context of special needs, so that barriers can be eliminated and individual groups of learners offered targeted support. In Latin, for example, Ulf Jesper (2016) has developed didactic methodological approaches for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders, while the computer science education research group at Humboldt University of Berlin has focused its work in the field of assistive technologies on visual needs. This type of research generates expert knowledge that opens up subject-specific educational strategies for dealing with specific barriers and is indispensable when dealing professionally with specific dimensions of heterogeneity. In contrast, the Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik (the Society for Subject Didactics – GFD) is of the opinion that a potential-oriented method of access (cf. Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik, 2015, p. 4) must be developed from the perspectives of the individual subjects, with the result that the variety of teaching in the subject is questioned rather than the elimination of barriers: How can subject-specific learning content with its underlying concepts be modelled to facilitate learning in varying degrees of depth, thus becoming accessible at various levels to learners with diverse learning prerequisites and abilities? (cf. ibid, p. 4f.). FDQI-HU seeks to discuss both these requirements – the provision of support based on the specifics of the target group, and the need to offer pedagogical variety in the various subjects – on the basis of the potential inherent in the subjects concerned. Here the didactics of subject teaching (cf. Gebauer & Simon, 2012; Pech & Rauterberg, 2008; Seitz, 2006) have given rise to groundbreaking concepts, the transferability of which must be reviewed by other subjects. Ultimately, different subjects have different approaches to preventing discrimination, e.g. by means of various methods and media – experiments in the natural sciences, for example, generate different forms of cooperation than activity-oriented work on texts during language lessons.

Besides developing individual subject concepts, it is necessary to compare different perspectives and break through barriers between subjects: inclusion discourse has therefore always been strongly oriented toward interdisciplinary teaching, in which pupils negotiate cross-subject learning content, often in the form of project work (cf. for example Wocken, 2016, p. 100). The Index for Inclusion (cf. Booth & Ainscow, 2017) describes similar forms of subject orientation as enhancements and combinations of traditional subjects (ibid), making up a solution described as the curriculum for the 21st century (cf. ibid, p. 21) – here, too, it must be determined which topics and content from which subjects contain corresponding stimuli.



Abraham, U. & Rothgangel, M. (2017). Fachdidaktik im Spannungsfeld von ‚Bildungswissenschaft‘ und ‚Fachwissenschaft‘ [Subject didactics in the area of tension of ‚education science‘ and ‚science of the subject‘]. In H. Bayrhuber, U. Abraham, V. Frederking, W. Janka, M. Rothgangel & H. J. Vollmer (Ed.), Allgemeine Fachdidaktik [General subject didactics] (p. 15–21). Münster: Waxmann.

Arnold, K.-H., Blömeke, S., Messner, R. & Schlömerkemper, J. (Ed.) (2009). Allgemeine Didaktik und Lehr-Lernforschung. Kontroversen und Entwicklungsperspektiven einer Wissenschaft vom Unterricht [General didactics and teaching-learningresearch. Controversies and development perspectives of ascience of teaching]. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Arnold, K.-H. & Roßa, A.-E. (2012). Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Didaktik und der Fachdidaktiken [Basics of general didactics and subject didactics]. In M. Kampshoff & C. Wiepcke (Ed.), Handbuch Geschlechterforschung und Fachdidaktik [Handbook gender studies and subject didactics] (p. 11–23). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Bayrhuber, H., Abraham, U., Frederking, V., Janka, W., Rothgangel, M. & Vollmer, H. J. (Ed.) (2017). Allgemeine Fachdidaktik [General subject didactics]. Münster: Waxmann.

Blankertz, H. (1991). Theorien und Modelle der Didaktik [Theories and models of didactics] (13th ed.). Weinheim: Juventa-Verlag.

Booth, T. & Ainscow, M. (2017). Index für Inklusion. Ein Leitfaden für Schulentwicklung [Index for inclusion. A guideline for school development]. Weinheim: Beltz.

Dietrich, I. (1994). „Allgemeine Didaktik ist wie Stricken ohne Wolle“ - Zur Bedeutsamkeit des Streits der Disziplinen [„General didactics is like knitting without wool – On the importance of the controversy between disciplines]. In M. A. Meyer & W. Plöger (Ed.), Allgemeine Didaktik, Fachdidaktik und Fachunterricht [General didactics, subject didactics, and subject teaching] (p. 235–242). Weinheim: Beltz.

Gebauer, M. & Simon, T. (2012). Inklusiver Sachunterricht konkret: Chancen, Grenzen, Perspektiven [Inclusive general studies concrete: Chances, limitations, perspectives]. (18). Retrieved from [16.10.2018].

Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik (Ed.) (2015). Position der Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik zum inklusiven Unterricht unter fachdidaktischer Perspektive [Position of the Society for Subject Didactics on inclusive teaching from a subject didactic perspective]. Retrieved from http://​​/​wp-content/​uploads/​2015/​09/​GFD-Stellungnahme-zum-inklusiven-Unterricht-Stand-28.01.2017.pdf [15.03.2018].

Jesper, U. (2016). Inklusiver Lateinunterricht. Ein methodisch-didaktischer Leitfaden zur Förderung von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung [Inclusive Latin classes. A methodic-didactic guideline for the advancement of pupils with autism spectrum disorder]. Kronshagen: IQSH.

Kron, F. W. (2008). Grundwissen Didaktik [Basic knowledge didactics] (5th ed.). München: Reinhardt.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Meyer, H. (2014). Traditionslinien und Standards allgemeindidaktischer Modellbildung [Lines of tradition and standards of general didactic modelling]. In K. Zierer (Ed.), Thementeil: Allgemeine Didaktik für eine inklusive Schule. Allgemeiner Teil [Topic part: General didactics for an inclusive school. General part] (p. 95–114). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Meyer, M. A. & Plöger, W. (Ed.) (1994). Allgemeine Didaktik, Fachdidaktik und Fachunterricht [General didactics, subject didactics, and subject teaching]. Weinheim: Beltz.

Pech, D., & Rauterberg, M. (Ed.) (2013). Auf den Umgang kommt es an: „Umgangsweisen“ als Ausgangspunkt einer Strukturierung des Sachunterrichts [It depends on dealing: „Ways of dealing“ as starting point for structuring general studies]. (5).

Prengel, A. (2016). Didaktische Diagnostik als Element alltäglicher Lehrerarbeit. „formatives Assessment im inklusiven Unterricht“ [Didactic diagnostics as an element of daily teacher’s work. „formative assessment in inclusive education“]. In B. Amrhein (Ed.), Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung. Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte [Diagnostics in the context of inclusive education. Theories, ambivalences, actors, conceptions] (p. 49–63). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Seitz, S. (2006). Inklusive Didaktik nach PISA [Inclusive didactics after PISA]. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete (3), 192–199.

Wocken, H. (1998). Gemeinsame Lernsituationen. Eine Skizze des gemeinsamen Unterrichts [Common learning situations. An outline of common teaching]. In A. Hildeschmidt & I. Schnell (Ed.), Integrationspädagogik. Auf dem Weg zu einer Schule für alle [Inclusive education. On the path for a school for all](p. 37–52). Weinheim; München: Juventa.

Wocken, H. (2016). Am Haus der inklusiven Schule. Anbauten - Anlagen - Haltestellen [At the house of the inclusive school. Annexes - facilities - stops]. Hamburg: Feldhaus.


[1] As early as 1994, Ingrid Dietrich stressed the absurdity of this comparison in light of the current educational changes: In the age of mass textile production, knitting – with or without wool – is an anachronism (cf. Dietrich 1994, p. 240). However, it still remains to be seen how far didactics can be replaced by another – more contemporary? – discipline.

[2] Georg Feuser’s theory of the common object is criticized in discourse, e.g. because of its rigorousness and its claim to exclusive validity (cf. Wocken, 1998). The FDQI-HU project subscribes to that aspect of the theory which postulates that all pupils should receive support in the form of a common object, in this case a central learning process that must be implemented individually using cooperative forms of teaching and learning.

[3] Here a field of tension is addressed that characterizes the core of inclusive didactics and is concisely summarized by Annedore Prengel: Assigning categories to groups of children is a problematic process that can lead to detrimental labelling and self-characterisation; however, it is also indispensable, as conceptual categories can be used as a means of collecting knowledge about the circumstances of various groups in order to develop appropriate pedagogical strategies (cf. Prengel, 2016, p. 58).