Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

School Conditions (Julia Frohn)

Suggested citation: Frohn, J. (2022). School Conditions. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Graphic: DiMiLL – school conditions - the title of the graphic is "Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning". At the top of the square shaped model it says "ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning." At the bottom it says "Self- and world-relations of individuals in school settings”. In between, split up within the four corners, are the process characteristics "participation", "cooperation", "communication", and "reflection". In between the process characteristics, three rings can be seen. They are labeled, from the outer to the inner ring, "societal conditions", "subject-specific didactic conditions", and "school conditions". In the center of the inner ring it says "individual development of competencies". Surrounding this, with reciprocal arrows, are the structural elements "topics and content", "baseline assessment", "methods and media" and "progress monitoring". The element "school conditions" is highlighted in red.


Like societal developments and developments in subject-specific didactics, school processes take place in the field of tension between standardization and individualization, as the quality of the school is determined – for example during the course of school inspections – by obligatory competencies testing on the According to Klieme and colleagues' The Development of National Educational Standards, school development implies that the schools themselves must agree on goals, responsibilities, cooperation, accountability and the handling of feedback (cf. Klieme et al., 2007, p. 52). However, the ideal of an inclusive school goes far beyond Klieme’s call for the systematic fostering of the learners’ competencies to be placed at the centre of school development (cf. ibid).

Consequently, teachers must be able to reflect on the challenges of inclusive school development (cf. KMK, 2014, p. 14), with a course increasingly being set towards comprehensive inclusion in schools (cf. Kober & Zorn, 2016, p. 8). Inclusive teaching therefore depends on more than just appropriate lesson planning; it is equally reliant on the necessary monetary and staff framework, as it is highly unlikely that quality inclusion can be realized for all children at comprehensive schools without restructuring the system or providing additional human and material resources (cf. Dedering, 2016, p. 30). In recent years, a number of guidelines have been theoretically formulated (Booth & Ainscow, 2017; Kullmann et al., 2014; Moser, 2012; Moser & Egger, 2017; Prengel, 2001; Reich, 2014; Trautmann & Wischer, 2011; Wocken, 2014) and practically exemplified in model schools (cf. Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2016). The commonly-recurring principles for creating an inclusive school specified in these remarks are summarized in the nine key points below. It must be borne in mind that the task of school development is to put inclusive values to practical application (Booth & Ainscow, 2017, p. 9). These necessities should therefore be seen not only as theoretical stimuli but also as practical recommendations for action:

  1. Heterogeneity-sensitive school ethos (acknowledgement and appreciation of differences, fundamental avoidance of discrimination);   
  2. Implementation of new rhythms in everyday school routines (all-day schools, phased learning, alternation between instruction and individual learning);   
  3. Intensive cooperation and participation by the individuals in the school setting (teachers, school administration, special needs teachers, pupils, parents, external partners);   
  4. Democratic structures (co-determined learning and equal opportunities)   
  5. Compulsory orientation on a didactic of variety (learning landscapes, project lessons, forms of differentiation by varying learning group, workshops)   
  6. Supervision and support (collegial advice, case discussions, mutual support)   
  7. Development of heterogeneity-sensitive curricula (facilitation of individual development in all dimentions of competencies, utilization of special needs diagnostics);   
  8. Inclusive school architecture (accessibility, an environment that promotes learning and cooperation, space as a third pedagogical instance);   
  9. Self-reflection (constant review of own practice)

Reflecting on school conditions is accordingly just as important as constantly reflecting on pedagogical activities in line with the ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning. Nevertheless, a lack of resources or cooperation on the part of those involved should not lead to the misconception that inclusive teaching is impossible without corresponding resources or principles. Instead, it is first necessary to explore the possibilities available at the respective educational institution for structuring heterogeneity-sensitive lessons using existing resources. Secondly, all school stakeholders must be made aware that they bear joint responsibility for creating and maintaining school conditions that are conducive to inclusive school development.



Bertelsmann Stiftung (2016). Sieben Merkmale guter inklusiver Schule [Seven characteristics of a good inclusive school]. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann.

Booth, T. & Ainscow, M. (2017). Index für Inklusion. Ein Leitfaden für Schulentwicklung [Index for inclusion. A guideline for school development]. Weinheim: Beltz.

Dedering, K. (2016). Zusammen oder getrennt? Inklusive und separierende Beschulung im Licht der empirischen Forschung [Together or separate? Inclusive and separated education in the ligth of empirical research]. In Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.), Inklusion kann gelingen! Forschungsergebnisse und Beispiele guter schulischer Praxis [Inclusion can succeed! Research results and examples of good school practice] (p. 34–49). Gütersloh: Bertelsmann.

Klieme, E., Rost, J., Reiss, K., Avenarius, H., Blum, W., Döbrich, P., Gruber, H., Prenzel, M., Riquarts, K., Tenorth, H.-E. & Vollmer, H. J. (2007). Zur Entwicklung nationaler Bildungsstandards. Expertise [Development of national educational standards. Expertise]. Retrieved from https://​​/​pub/​Bildungsforschung_​Band_​1.pdf [26.09.2018].

Kober, U. & Zorn, D. (2016). Vorwort [Preface]. In Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.), Inklusion kann gelingen! Forschungsergebnisse und Beispiele guter schulischer Praxis [Inclusion can succeed! Research results and examples of good school practice] (p. 7–10). Gütersloh: Bertelsmann.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Kultusministerkonferenz (2014). Standards für die Lehrerbildung: Bildungswissenschaften [Standards for the teacher education: Education sciences]. Retrieved from https://​​/​fileadmin/​Dateien/​veroeffentlichungen_​beschluesse/​2004/​2004_​12_​16-Standards-Lehrerbildung-Bildungswissenschaften.pdf [14.03.2018].

Moser, V. (Ed.) (2012). Die inklusive Schule. Standards für die Umsetzung [The inclusive school. Standards for the implementation]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Prengel, A. (2001). Egalitäre Differenz in der Bildung [Egalitarian difference in education]. In H. Lutz & N. Wenning (Ed.), Unterschiedlich verschieden. Differenz in der Erziehungswissenschaft [Differently different. Difference in educational science] (p. 93–107). Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Reich, K. (2014). Inklusive Didaktik. Bausteine für eine inklusive Schule [Inclusive didactics. Modules for an inclusive school]. Weinheim: Beltz.

Trautmann, M. & Wischer, B. (2011). Heterogenität in der Schule. Eine kritische Einführung [Heterogeneity in school. A critical introduction]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Werning, R. (2012). Inklusive Schulentwicklung [Inclusive school development]. In V. Moser (Ed.), Die inklusive Schule. Standards für die Umsetzung [The inclusive school. Standards for the implementation] (p. 49–61). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Wocken, H. (2014). Im Haus der inklusiven Schule. Grundrisse - Räume Fenster [In the house of the inclusive school. Ground plans - rooms - windows]. Hamburg: Feldhaus Edition Hamburger Buchwerkstatt.