Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Inclusive Education and Inclusive School (Laura Rödel & Toni Simon)

Suggested citation: Rödel, L. and Simon, T. (2022). Inclusive Education and Inclusive School. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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According to Hinz (cf. 2008, pp. 33 ff.), inclusive education is based on the following cornerstones: a positive shift towards all dimensions of heterogeneity¹, the endeavour to focus comprehensively and reflectively on these dimensions, the upholding of human rights, and orientation towards the ideal of an inclusive society. Inclusive education and inclusive schools enable children and adolescents from widely varying social backgrounds, with and without impairments/disabilities and migration backgrounds, to learn together and develop their individual potential without access restrictions, selection, exclusion and segregation through diverse processes of socialization and development and with different learning outcomes (cf. Feuser, 2017, p. 132).

Inclusive schools cannot be realised in most cases without (potentially extensive) system-related reforms (cf. Kullmann et al. 2014, p. 90). Inclusive schools are distinguished by the following requirements, as summarised by Geiling and Simon (2017, p. 102f.; these apply to both elementary and secondary levels, cf. Badstieber, 2017, p. 106):

  • Inclusive schools are based on the above-mentioned principles of inclusive education (Hinz, 2008) and the concept of a pedagogy of diversity (Prengel, 1993).   
  • They strive for extensive participation by all and aim to prevent marginalisation and discrimination.   
  • They dispense with labelling and selective practices (such as deferring the start of school, making pupils repeat years, and expulsion from the school).   
  • They integrate all children into undivided learning groups while being mindful of prejudices (in principle, this does not prevent the temporary formation of small groups).   
  • Pedagogical relations are based on the principles of equity and egalitarian diversity (Prengel, 1993).   
  • They receive additional resources (e.g. for special or social education) that are institutionalised and system-related (not bound to a specific pupil and their status; Reiser, 1998) while dispensing with categories, such as special needs. This is intended to counteract the labelling of individual pupils and the demonstrably negative consequences of such labelling: transfer to special schools, negative developments in performance at these schools, failure to obtain school qualifications, and lifelong stigmatisation as a pupil at a special school (education report compiled by a group of authors, 2014; Hildeschmidt & Sander, 1996; Schumann, 2007; Wocken, 2007)).   
  • They have democratic organs and structures (such as ombudspersons).   
  • They facilitate extensive participation (co-determination) by pupils.

Inclusive schools manage transitions from one institution to another (from reception to elementary school, and from elementary school to secondary school) cooperatively, by dovetailing the respective institutions, whereby elementary school is followed by a comprehensive school in the spirit of inclusive education.



Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung (2014). Bildung in Deutschland 2014. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zur Bildung von Menschen mit Behinderungen [Education in Germany 2014. A indicator-based report with an analysis for the education of people with disabilites]. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.

Badstieber, B. (2017). Inklusion in der Sekundarstufe [Inclusion in secondary school]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 105–107). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Feuser, G. (2017). Inklusive Pädagogik [Inclusive pedagogy]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 132–134). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Geiling, U. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusion in der Grundschule [Inclusion in primary schools]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Hildeschmidt, A. & Sander, A. (1996). Zur Effizienz der Beschulung sogenannter Lernbehinderter in Sonderschulen [On the efficiency of the education of so-called learning-disabled persons in special schools]. In H. Eberwein (Ed.), Handbuch Lernen und Lern-Behinderungen. Aneignungsprobleme, neues Verständnis von Lernen, integrationspädagogische Lösungsansätze [Handbook learning and learning-disabilites. Appropriation problems, new understanding of learning, integration pedagogical solution approaches] (p. 115–134). Weinheim: Beltz.

Hinz, A. (2008). Inklusion - historische Entwicklungslinien und internationale Kontexte [Inclusion - historical development directions and international contexts]. In A. Hinz, I. Körner & U. Niehoff (Ed.), Von der Integration zur Inklusion. Grundlagen - Perspektiven - Praxis [From integration to inclusion. Basics - Perspectives - Practice] (p. 33–52). Marburg: Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Prengel, A. (1993). Pädagogik der Vielfalt - Verschiedenheit und Gleichberechtigung in Interkultureller, Feministischer und Integrativer Pädagogik [Pedagogy of diversity - Difference and equality in intercultural, feminist and integratice pedagogy]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Reiser, H. (1998). Sonderpädagogik als Service-Leistung? Perspektiven der sonderpädagogischen Berufsrolle. Zur Professionalisierung der Hilfsschul- bzw. Sonderschullehrerinnen [Special education as service? Perspectives of the special education professional role of special education teachers]. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik (49), 46–54.

Schumann, B. (2007). „Ich schäme mich ja so!“. Die Sonderschule für Lernbehinderte als „Schonraumfalle“ [„I am so ashamed!“. The special school for learning-disabled persons as „Schonraumfalle]. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Wocken, H. (2007). Fördert Förderschule? Eine empirische Rundreise durch Schulen für „optimale Förderung“ [Do special schools advance? An empirical excursion through schools for „optimal advancement“]. In I. Demmer-Dieckmann & A. Textor (Ed.), Integrationsforschung und Bildungspolitik im Dialog [Research of integration and education policy in dialogue] (p. 35–60). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.


[1] From the perspective of intersectionality research, it is important to recognise that children and adolescents may have experienced extreme poverty or abuse. It would be absurd to describe these experiences as positive. Calls for a positive appreciation of dimensions of heterogeneity are instead intended to imply that such experiences should not lead to (further) negative judgements. The dimensions of heterogeneity are consequently assessed in a critical, reflective manner.