Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Inclusion (Laura Rödel & Toni Simon)

Suggested citation: Rödel, L.& Simon, T. (2022). Inclusion. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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In recent years, a distinction between a “narrow” and a “wide” understanding of inclusion has been established in the German-speaking discourse on the subject (Pech et al. 2018). These two ways of understanding inclusion, which may diverge considerably (cf. ibid), both have implications for potential research and teacher training. While the narrow understanding of inclusion largely focuses on special education issues and categories (such as disability), the wide understanding of inclusion implies far more than the reorganization of special education in mainstream schools (cf. Hinz, 2014, p. 7).

The FDQI-HU project is based on a wide understanding of inclusion. This approach maintains an intersectional perspective (Baldin, 2017; Walgenbach, 2016) - an awareness of the simultaneous occurrence and interaction of various linked categories that are relevant in terms of inequality (cf. Baldin, 2017, p. 145) - while also facilitating consideration of diverse dimensions of heterogeneity (cf. also awareness of heterogeneity). Associated processes of marginalisation, stigmatisation and discrimination are reflected upon (cf. Ziemen, 2017, p. 101), based on a consistent observance and realisation of human rights (Biermann & Pfahl, 2016). As a dimension of heterogeneity, language plays a special role in the context of FDQI-HU; Language Learning in the Content Classroom is understood in a wider sense as an important aspect of inclusion that goes beyond German as a second language. As the relationship between Language Learning in the Content Classroom and inclusion is still unclear, one of the goals of the FDQI-HU project is to carry out fundamental research to explore it further.

Inclusion is a challenge for society as a whole that affects all areas and phases of life and all social strata. As a process of changing conditions in society, in systems, organizations, institutions and communities, inclusion is not a state that must be created, but rather a framework of orientation, the goal of which is human, democratic co-existence and cooperative learning and working (cf. Ziemen, 2017, p. 101).Therefore, inclusion enables all people to participate in society on equal terms by giving each person the assistance they need, dismantling barriers of all kinds as far as possible to guarantee comprehensive accessibility (cf. Kullmann, Lütje-Klose & Textor, 2014, p. 90). With regard to education, this can also imply considerable disruption and reforms, potentially at every level (for example, the abolition of the multipartite school system), together with trials of empirically-based concepts for implementing inclusion (e.g. for inclusive (subject-specific) didactics). As a wide understanding of inclusion yields a large number of associated topics, inclusion is appropriately classified as a task that must be addressed multi-professionally (Moser & Demmer-Dieckmann, 2012).



Baldin, D. (2017). Intersektionalität [Intersectionality]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 145–147). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Biermann, J. & Pfahl, L. (2016). Menschenrechtliche Zugänge und inklusive Bildung [Human rights approaches and inclusive education]. In I. Hedderich, G. Biewer, J. Hollenweger & R. Markowetz (Ed.), Handbuch Inklusion und Sonderpädagogik [Handbook inclusion and special needs education] (p. 199–207). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Hinz, A. (2014). Inklusive Bildung - wo stehen wir heute? Eine kritische Zwischenbilanz [Inclusive education - where are we today? A critical interim balance]. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 28 (275/276), 6–9.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Moser, V. & Demmer-Dieckmann, I. (2012). Professionalisierung und Ausbildung von Lehrkräften für inklusive Schulen [Professionalisation and education of teachers for inclusive schools]. In V. Moser (Ed.), Die inklusive Schule. Standards für die Umsetzung [The inclusive school. Standards for the implementation]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Pech, D., Schomaker, C. & Simon, T. (2018). Inklusion sachunterrichtsdidaktisch gedacht [Thinking about inclusion from a general studies didactic point of view]. In D. Pech, C. Schomaker & T. Simon (Ed.), Sachunterrichtsdidaktik und Inklusion. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung [General studies and inclusion. A contribution to the development]. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Walgenbach, K. (2016). Intersektionsalitätsforschung [Research of intersectionality]. In I. Hedderich, G. Biewer, J. Hollenweger & R. Markowetz (Ed.), Handbuch Inklusion und Sonderpädagogik [Handbook inclusion and special needs education] (p. 650–655). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Ziemen, K. (2017). Inklusion [Inclusion]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 101–102). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.