Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Inclusive (Subject) Teaching (Laura Rödel & Toni Simon)

Suggested citation: Rödel, L. and Simon, T. (2022). Inclusive (Subject) Teaching. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Inclusive (subject) teaching cannot be separated from system-related changes in schools (cf. Inclusion and inclusive school). According to the ‘Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning’ developed over the course of the FDQI-HU project, inclusive (subject) teaching is largely governed by the process attributes of participation, communication, cooperation and reflection. These can be concretised by the following aspects, all of which are important for inclusive (subject) teaching in general:

  • The planning and implementation of teaching and learning processes, and the task of reflecting on these, are organised multi-professionally   
  • Inclusive general curricula (common curricula) form the learning basis for all pupils   
  • Learning and development plans based on these curricula are individually developed and updated together with pupils   
  • Learners are recognised as active organisers of their own learning   
  • Learners’ need for and rights to self-determination and self-realisation are respected   
  • Open forms of teaching, and self-determined, exploratory and research-oriented learning have particular value, as they facilitate individualised learning and development processes. However, this does not exclude other forms of teaching (cf. Geiling & Simon, 2017, p. 103).

Practical orientation and aesthetic approaches are particularly important for inclusive teaching (Schomaker, 2007; Seitz, 2005). From the viewpoint of FDQI-HU, the criterion of Language Learning in the Content Classroom while preparing (subject) lessons for all pupils should be added to these aspects. Moreover, Kullmann et al. (cf. 2014, p. 91) refer to the need for balance between individualisation and commonality in inclusive teaching, supported by cooperative forms of teaching and learning.

In inclusive (subject) lessons, each pupil is entitled to recognition, individual encouragement and support (cf. Kullmann et al. 2014, p. 90), personal challenges, and high expectations (in the sense of achievement, cf. Seitz & Scheidt, 2012). These entitlements should be accounted for by implementing specific quality criteria (Feyerer, 2012), such as professional cooperation (e.g. team teaching) and internal differentiation. It has yet to be conclusively clarified whether and how far inclusive (subject) teaching should imply mixed-age-classes, the extent of pupil participation in lessons, and how inclusive curricula should be characterised (cf. Geiling & Simon, 2017, p. 103). With regard to inclusive curricula, a combination of compulsory and optional curricular elements is currently preferred (Prengel, 2016).

Successful inclusive teaching deliberately focuses on the heterogeneity of learning groups and enquires into opportunities for joint and differentiated learning (cf. Moser & Demmer-Dieckmann, 2012, p. 153). This presupposes that subject-specific traditions, content and methods are reviewed critically and reflectively with regard to their connectivity with inclusive education, since the entire system of a subject is put to test through inclusion (cf. Pech & Schomaker, 2013, p. 353). This clarifies the link between aspects of subject didactics and questions relating to school development (cf. Pech et al. 2017, p. 124).



Feyerer, E. (2012). Allgemeine Qualitätskriterien inklusiver Pädagogik und Didaktik [General quality criteria of inclusive pedagogy and didactics]. Zeitschrift für Inklusion (3). Retrieved from [09.09.2017].

Geiling, U. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusion in der Grundschule [Inclusion in primary schools]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Kullmann, H., Lütje-Klose, B. & Textor, A. (2014). Eine Allgemeine Didaktik für inklusive Lerngruppen - fünf Leitprinzipien als Grundlage eines Bielefelder Ansatzes der inklusiven Didaktik [A general didactics for inclusive learning groups - five guiding principles as basic of a Bielefeld approach of inclusive didactics]. In B. Amrhein & M. Dziak-Mahler (Ed.), Fachdidaktik inklusiv. Auf der Suche nach didaktischen Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Schule [Subject didactics inclusive. In search of didactic guidelines for dealing with diversity in schools] (p. 89–107). Münster: Waxmann.

Moser, V. & Demmer-Dieckmann, I. (2012). Professionalisierung und Ausbildung von Lehrkräften für inklusive Schulen [Professionalisation and education of teachers for inclusive schools]. In V. Moser (Ed.), Die inklusive Schule. Standards für die Umsetzung [The inclusive school. Standards for the implementation]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Pech, D. & Schomaker, C. (2013). Inklusion und Sachunterrichtsdidaktik - Stand und Perspektiven [Inclusion and general studies didactics - Status and perspectives]. In K.-E. Ackermann, O. Musenberg & J. Riegert (Ed.), Geistigbehindertenpädagogik!? Disziplin - Profession - Inklusion [Education for mentally handicapped!? Discipline - Profession - Inclusion] (p. 341–359). Oberhausen: ATHENA-Verlag.

Pech, D., Schomaker, C. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusive Fachdidaktik Sachunterricht [Inclusive subject didactics general studies]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 124–125). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Prengel, A. (2016). Didaktische Diagnostik als Element alltäglicher Lehrerarbeit. „formatives Assessment im inklusiven Unterricht“ [Didactic diagnostics as an element of daily teacher’s work. „formative assessment in inclusive education“]. In B. Amrhein (Ed.), Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung. Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte [Diagnostics in the context of inclusive education. Theories, ambivalences, actors, concepts] (p. 49–63). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Schomaker, C. (2007). Der Faszination begegnen. Ästhetische Zugangsweisen im Sachunterricht für alle Kinder [Encountering fascination. Asthetic approaches in general studies for all children]. Oldenburg: Didaktisches Zentrum Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Seitz, S. (2005). Zeit für inklusiven Sachunterricht [Time for inclusive general studies]. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Seitz, S. & Scheidt, K. (2012). Vom Reichtum inklusiven Unterrichts - Sechs Ressourcen zur Weiterentwicklung [The richness of inclusive teaching - Six ressources for enhancements]. Zeitschrift für Inklusion (1–2). Retrieved from [09.09.2017].