Reflection (Laura Capellmann & Dietlind Gloystein)
Suggested citation: Capellmann, L. and Gloystein, D. (2022). The Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:
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Reflection is seen as an elementary process characteristic of inclusion-oriented teaching with regard to pedagogical activity, pedagogical relations and the learning and development processes of all individuals in the school setting (cf. for example Heinrich et al. 2013).
The concept of ‘reflection’ in education dates back to Dewey’s work in the 1930s. It is understood as critical reflective thinking, and as a research and problem-solving process (cf. Dewey, 2002, pp. 56ff.). Reflection is a general requirement in educational science and pedagogy and signifies critical, in-depth thinking and self-observation (cf. Ziemen, 2013, pp. 126f.). In keeping with the concept of the reflective practitioner (cf. Schön, 1983), theory and practice must always be correlated, e.g. by transferring practical experience to corresponding theoretical discourse and subsequently implementing it in practice. According to Altrichter und Posch (2007, p. 16), the reflective cycle initiated by an action includes collecting the information observed, interpreting and evaluating it, and using this information to develop new strategies for action; the effectiveness of the new strategy is then reflected upon after being tested. One of the central goals of reflective learning is the recognition of ingrained habits and awareness of the strategies for action and subjective theories of teaching and learning that subconsciously guide the learner’s activities and form the basis of these habits (cf. Reusser, 2005, p. 13).
Educational science offers various theoretical approaches to reflection, such as professionalisation (cf. Altrichter & Posch, 2007; Reusser & Wyss, 2000), a perspective based on developmental psychology (cf. Law et al. 1998), problem-solving strategies (cf. Dewey, 2002), the development of experience-based knowledge to guide the individual’s actions (cf. Kolbe, 2004), and the development of the individual’s own behaviour through the interaction of thought and action (cf. Argyris & Schön, 1999). The concepts for implementing or applying these approaches to reflection are equally diverse. It is customary to apply an everyday understanding of the term ‘reflection’, for which there is no distinct, generally valid definition in educational science (cf. Nitsche, 2014, pp. 79f.). In every approach, reflection is viewed as a mental process which entails an attempt to structure or restructure an experience, a problem, or existing knowledge or insights (cf. Korthagen, 2002, p. 55). This definition accentuates the fundamental importance of reflection for the learning process. Actions based on reflection differ significantly from actions performed routinely (ibid, p. 63).
Häcker (2017) states that the increased reflection required as part of the professionalisation of teachers – particularly after the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Bundesregierung, 2008) - can be realised with the relational creation of thematic links (knowledge, theories) in specific patterns of thought (e.g. adopting various perspectives, Häcker, 2017, p. 26). According to this model, the application of integrative principles during transfers of theoretical, academic knowledge and professional activity gives rise to a third, independent area of knowledge (Häcker, 2017, p. 33). This is particularly important for the development of inclusion-oriented teacher expertise. It is not knowledge and actions alone that make teachers’ activities successful; instead, it is the element of reflection on the use of existing expert knowledge (ibid, p. 33) that facilitates change.
Experiences of discrepancy are essential when learning to implement change in teachers’ own practices. Reflection on these experiences shows how the individual's own strategies of explanation and action may have to be modified along with their goals (cf. Nitsche, 2014, p. 81).
Along with introspection (self-observation with the goal of developing awareness), reflective pedagogical practice in inclusive teaching must also always facilitate participation and the avoidance of discrimination (cf. Ziemen, 2014, p. 51). Inclusion requires a reflective attitude towards constructs of difference and the reproduction of inequality; reflection on structure and theory is equally vital when engaging with societal conditions, subject-specific conditions and school conditions while developing inclusive practice (cf. Budde & Hummrich, 2015, pp. 38f.; Dannenbeck, 2012, pp. 57ff.; Häcker & Walm, 2015).
At a collegial, cooperative level, professional development is based on habitual reflection on attitudes and beliefs, relationships within the team, competencies and possibilities for support (cf. Ziemen, 2014, p. 53; 2017, p. 108). In this way, teachers’ own subject theories can be exposed and made workable (cf. Wyss, 2013, p. 53).
When planning and delivering lessons, applying the process characteristic of reflection to the structural elements of teaching means that these structural elements are reflected upon in terms of their inclusive orientation. Reflecting on categories of difference and teachers’ own perception and interpretations of heterogeneity is correspondingly important when assessing the status quo (cf. Walgenbach, 2017, p. 43). Adaptive didactic opportunities can be developed on this basis (cf. Korff, 2015, pp. 43f.; Seitz, 2006; Walgenbach, 2017, p. 44; Wyss, 2013, p. 53). Aspects of developmental psychology in pupils, such as prior knowledge, emotionality and perception, needs and motives, opportunities for action, social milieu and relationships, are equally relevant when reflecting on teaching practice (Ziemen, 2014, p. 51).
Reflecting on performance paradigms and assessment possibilities also plays a central role in inclusive teaching in the context of progress monitoring (cf. Winter, 2015).
The level of topics and content also encompasses subject cultures and environmental influences on subjects; topics and content must also be reflected upon in terms of complexity, current social relevance and subject integration (cf. Ziemen, 2014, p. 52).
For pupils nowadays, reflection is closely associated with self-assessment and (peer) feedback and is a valuable learning resource. The ability to reflect facilitates more independent, individual learning, and can be purposefully fostered. A reflective learning culture among pupils can be divided into four important, overlapping areas: subject-specific reflection, reflection on pupils’ own learning activities, reflection on performance, and self-reflection (e.g. on pupils’ assessment of their own abilities, cf. Winter, 2015, pp. 109ff.).
The use of systemic reflection in professional learning has also increased in importance in teacher training, and consequently, in didactic concepts of tertiary education. Teacher training must therefore also include critical reflection of teachers’ own attitudes and thought constructs, as well as their function as the basis for subject-specific, cooperative and systemic competencies, e.g. in the form of multiple phases of reflection, supervision and intervision (cf. Feyerer & Langner, 2014, p. 177; cf. Stein, 2015, p. 413). Teacher training based on critical reflection also addresses areas such as social power structures, antinomies in teacher activities (Helsper, 2016), structures in institutionalised learning and teaching, and the opportunities, limits and consequences of the teacher’s own professional conduct. Multi-professional cooperation as the target perspective of professional pedagogical contributions to inclusive school education requires socio-cooperative reflection as a mode of reflective professionalisation while the teacher is still in tertiary education (cf. Häcker & Walm, 2015, p. 85). This means that the transmission of reflective, cooperative competencies and competencies pertaining to school development during teacher training are exceptionally important for inclusive settings (cf. Heinrich et al. 2013, p. 97). Research-oriented learning is a particularly effective strategy for developing reflective competencies when training teachers; it supports systematic reflection of the trainee teacher's own patterns of activity and interpretation in a manner that is both sensitive to theory and practically oriented (cf. Fichten & Meyer, 2014, p. 26). This concept is primarily concerned with the development of a (theory-based) curious, inquiring attitude towards learning and reflection, that aims to prevent the teacher from becoming set in inflexible routines (Fichten, 2010, p. 140). The use of reflection on personal experience is also gaining acceptance in teacher training courses. Personal experience in the protected environment of a university facilitates empathy and the exchange of experiences, as well as developing the ability to put these to practical use (Römer, 2018). Methods of textualisation can be used to give structure to uncontrolled thought (cf. Rosenberger, 2014, p. 237). In terms of inclusion, these formats are an indispensable element of teacher training.
The Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning is intended to promote these approaches by mapping the interdependence of the various teaching levels/processes and their framework conditions. It can also be used as an instrument for reflecting on them. Its context-sensitive structure, oriented on heterogeneous learning groups, provides trainee teachers with the opportunity to reflectively analyse, test and modify their own experiences of school and teaching and expand their own perspectives.
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