Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Participation (Toni Simon & Detlef Pech)

Suggested citation: Simon,T. and Pech, D. (2022). Participation. In J. Frohn (Ed.), Inclusive Teaching and Learning - Glossary. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. URL:


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Graphic: DiMiLL – participation - the title of the graphic is "Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning". At the top of the square shaped model it says "ethical principles of inclusive teaching and learning." At the bottom it says "Self- and world-relations of individuals in school settings”. In between, split up within the four corners, are the process characteristics "participation", "cooperation", "communication", and "reflection". In between the process characteristics, three rings can be seen. They are labeled, from the outer to the inner ring, "societal conditions", "subject-specific didactic conditions", and "school conditions". In the center of the inner ring it says "individual development of competencies". Surrounding this, with reciprocal arrows, are the structural elements "topics and content", "baseline assessment", "methods and media" and "progress monitoring". The element "participation" is highlighted in red.



Due to its close links with inclusion, (cf. Boban & Hinz, 2004; Booth & Ainscow, 2002; Cummings et al., 2003) participation is a fundamental principle of the Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning. These links date back to the definition of ‘inclusion’ in the English-language version of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and have been largely ignored in the context of inclusion research (cf. Hershkovich et al., 2017). Participation means much more than merely taking part or being present in an everyday situation; it also involves the effective exertion of influence, co-determination, and the power to make decisions (cf. Flieger, 2017, p. 179). In the FDQI-HU project, participation is one of the four process characteristics by which the general didactic Hamburg Model (cf. Schulz, 1981), on which the DIMILL is based, is expanded and consolidated (cf. for example Frohn & Heinrich, 2018). However, participation itself is not one of the original themes of inclusive pedagogy. It was taken from the political and social sciences and (also in the field of general didactics) was developed during the 1960s and 1970s. It is now being revived in some threads of the discourse on inclusive pedagogy. 

Participation implies questions of involvement, but also goes far beyond these. In the context of the FDQI-HU project, participation is described and operationalised on four levels: firstly, through the constructive participation of all learners in schools and lessons; secondly, through aspects of democratic education and learning about democracy; thirdly, through activating pupils; and fourthly through promoting co-constructive teaching-training processes.1 The discourse on inclusion has not yet clarified how far participation can or should be possible and in which areas. This particularly applies to the discourse on subject-specific didactics (cf. Pech et al., 2017; Pech et al., 2018). Orientation on participation as a central principle of inclusive (subject) teaching thus implies a preoccupation with questions of inclusion research, some of which are still open; for example concerning the scope, extent and degree of pupil participation. In this respect, there are various approaches to the didactic participation of pupils. Prengel (2016) advocates a combination of compulsory and optional elements in the curriculum, while other approaches (Boban et al., 2012) prefer undivided participation or in part, self-determination. Beyond these general considerations, the FDQI-HU project also addresses the question of participation at the level of subject-specific didactics and its role as an important characteristic of inclusive didactics. Particular reference can be made to didactic discourse on subject teaching (cf. Baumgardt, 2018; Gebauer & Simon, 2012; Pech et al., 2017, 2018; Simon, 2017, 2019).

With regard to pupil participation in lessons, a distinction can be made between two further levels. From a pedagogical perspective, participation encompasses: firstly, the possibility of all parties being present at any given time and the involvement of all parties in decisions – also with regard to lesson content and structure; secondly participation in the classroom also encompasses subject participation, which starts with the shape of the discipline and its subject-specific didactic conditions. If, for example, the subject-specific requirement is to learn a foreign language, the task of the subject is to create access opportunities for all learners at different levels2 and to formulate competencies that constitute conditions for participation in the subject. In the case of learners with severely impaired aural and visual perception who cannot communicate orally, subject participation – in terms of the subject-specific requirement to tackle a specific language – would be either significantly limited or (initially) impossible. One aspect of adaptive teaching competence would then be to reflect on possibilities for subject-specific individualisation and differentiation to facilitate participation in the subject and also possibly address the limits of participation in certain subject areas. Subject participation in this case does not encompass orientation on standardised (educational) goals in the subject, but rather the competencies required to be able to grasp something in the subject (i.e. one of its many facets). This also means that no individual can be excluded from involvement and participation in the subject, since inability to participate in a certain aspect does not mean that involvement and participation cannot promote the acquisition of competencies in other subject-specific and interdisciplinary areas.

The Didactic Model for Inclusive Teaching and Learning is based on a moderate degree of participation - islands of participation and participation in specific areas (cf. Baumgardt, 2018 following Oser & Biedermann, 2006; Stange, 2010; cf. also Simon et al., 2018). This is distinct from complete participation, which implies co-determination and decision-making on equal terms at all times and with regard to all teaching-related questions. This constitutes an attempt to find a balance, firstly between reform/innovation and prescribed framework conditions/traditions; secondly, between individualisation/free development and pedagogical responsibility (as an antinomy between autonomy and heteronomy, cf. Helsper, 1996); and thirdly, between connectivity with discourse on the didactics of inclusion and discourse on subject-specific didactics. If participation is understood as both an important aspect and a goal of inclusive teaching, the didactics of all subjects are ultimately called upon – with regard to the principle of participation – to critically question their self-understanding, traditions and position in terms of any advantages or specific barriers to guaranteeing inclusion and participation.




Baumgardt, I. (2018). Partizipation im inklusiven Sachunterricht - ein Beitrag für die demokratische Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung? [Participation in inclusive general studies - a contribution to the democratic school development and development of teaching?] In D. Pech, C. Schomaker & T. Simon (Ed.), Sachunterrichtsdidaktik & Inklusion. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung [Didactics of general studies & inclusion. A contribution to the development] (p. 26–38). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Boban, I. & Hinz, A. (2004). Der Index für Inklusion - ein Katalysator für demokratische Entwicklung in der „Schule für alle“ [The index for inclusion – a promoter for democratic development in a „school for all“]. In F. Heinzel & U. Geiling (Ed.), Demokratische Perspektiven in der Pädagogik [Democratic perspectives in pedagogy] (p. 37–48). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Boban, I., Kruschel, R. & Wetzel, A. (2012). The Marriage of Inclusive and Democratic Education. In S. Seitz, N.-K. Finnern, N. Korff & K. Scheidt (Ed.), Inklusiv gleich gerecht? Inklusion und Bildungsgerechtigkeit [Inclusive equals fair? Inclusion and educational justice] (p. 174–179). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Booth, T. & Ainscow, M. (2002). Index for inclusion. Developing learning and participation in schools. Bristol: Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).

Brandt, B. & Höck, G. (2011). Ko-Konstruktion in mathematischen Problemlöseprozessen - partizipationstheoretische Überlegungen [Co-Construction in mathematical processes of problem solving - participatory theoretical considerations]. In B. Brandt, R. Vogel & G. Krummheuer (Ed.), Die Projekte erStMal und MaKreKi. Mathematikdidaktische Forschung am "Center for Individual Development and Adaptive Education" (IDeA) [The projects erStMal and MaKreKi. Mathematic didactic research at the "Center for Individual Development and Adaptive Education" (IDeA)] (p. 245–284). Münster: Waxmann.

Cummings, C., Dyson, A. & Millward, A. (2003). Participation and democracy: what's inclusion got to do with it? In J. Allan (Ed.), Inclusion, participation and democracy: What is the purpose? (p. 49–65). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Flieger, P. (2017). Partizipation [Participation]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 179–180). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Frohn, J. & Heinrich, M. (2018). Bildungsstandards und die vermeidbare Verkürzung individueller Kompetenzorientierung auf kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit. Konsequenzen des ‚neuen Allgemeinbildungsprogramms‘ für die Lehrkräftebildung [Educational standards and avoidable reduction from individual competence orientation to cognitive ability. Consequences of the ‚new general education programme‘ for teacher education]. In H. Altrichter, M. Heinrich & J. Zuber (Ed.), Bildungsstandards im Spannungsfeld zwischen Politik und schulischem Alltag [Educational standards in the area of tension between politics and school daily routine] (p. 153–176). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Gebauer, M. & Simon, T. (2012). Inklusiver Sachunterricht konkret: Chancen, Grenzen, Perspektiven [Inclusive general studies concrete. Chances, limitations, perspectives]. (18). Retrieved from [16.10.2018].

Helsper, W. (1996). Antinomien des Lehrerhandelns in modernisierten pädagogischen Kulturen. Paradoxe Verwendungsweisen von Autonomie und Selbstverantwortlichkeit [Antinomies of teacher’s action in modernised pedagogical cultures. Paradoxical uses of autonomy and self-responsibility]. In A. Combe & W. Helsper (Ed.), Pädagogische Professionalität: Untersuchungen zum Typus pädagogischen Handelns [Pedagogical professionalism: Studies on the type of pedagogical action] (p. 521–570). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Hershkovich, M., Simon, J. & Simon, T. (2017). Menschenrechte, Demokratie, Partizipation und Inklusion - ein (fast) in Vergessenheit geratenes Wechselverhältnis? [Human rights, democracy, participation, and inclusion – a(n) (almost) forgotten interrelationship] In R. Kruschel (Ed.), Menschenrechtsbasierte Bildung. Inklusive und Demokratische Lern- und Erfahrungswelten im Fokus [Education based on human rights. Inclusive and democratic learning- and experience worlds in focus] (p. 141–152). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Oser, F. & Biedermann, H. (2006). Partizipation - ein Begriff, der ein Meister der Verwirrung ist [Participation - a term, which is a master of confusion]. In C. Quesel & F. Oser (Ed.), Die Mühen der Freiheit. Probleme und Chancen der Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen [Efforts of freedom. Problems and chances of the participation of children and teenagers] (p. 17–37). Zürich: Rüegger.

Pech, D., Schomaker, C. & Simon, T. (2017). Inklusive Fachdidaktik Sachunterricht [Inclusive subject didactics general studies]. In K. Ziemen (Ed.), Lexikon Inklusion [Encyclopedia inclusion] (p. 124–125). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Pech, D., Schomaker, C. & Simon, T. (2018). Inklusion sachunterrichts-didaktisch gedacht [Inclusion thought through didactics of general studies]. In D. Pech, C. Schomaker & T. Simon (Ed.), Sachunterrichtsdidaktik & Inklusion. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung [Didactics of general studies & inclusion. A contribution to the development] (p. 10–25). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.

Prengel, A. (2016). Didaktische Diagnostik als Element alltäglicher Lehrerarbeit. „formatives Assessment im inklusiven Unterricht“ [Didactic diagnostics as an element of daily teacher’s work. „formative assessment in inclusive education“]. In B. Amrhein (Ed.), Diagnostik im Kontext inklusiver Bildung. Theorien, Ambivalenzen, Akteure, Konzepte [Diagnostics in the context of inclusive education. Theories, ambivalences, actors, conceptions] (p. 49–63). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Schulz, W. (1981). Unterrichtsplanung [Lesson planning] (3rd ed.). München: Urban & Schwarzenberg.

Simon, T. (2017). Vielperspektivität im Sachunterricht - Annäherungen an inklusionspädagogische und -didaktische Begründungslinien [Multiperspectivity in general studies – Approaches to inclusion pedagogical and inclusion didactic lines of reasons]. In H. Giest, A. Hartinger & S. Tänzer (Ed..), Vielperspektivität im Sachunterricht [Multiperspectivity in general studies] (p. 177–184). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Simon, T. (2019). Potenzialorientierung, Sachunterricht(sdidaktik) und Inklusion [Potential orientation, didactics of general studies, and inclusion]. In M. Veber, R. Benölken & M. Pfitzner (Ed.), Potenzialorientierte Förderung in den Fachdidaktiken [Potential-oriented advancement in subject didactics] (p. 113–133). Münster: Waxmann.

Simon, T., Schmitz, L. & Moser, V. (2018). Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung für Inklusion: Einblicke in das Projekt FDQI-HU [University didactic qualification for inclusion: Insights into the project FDQI-HU]. In E. Feyerer, W. Prammer, E. Prammer-Semmler, C. Kladnik, M. Leibetseder & R. Wimberger (Ed.), IFO 2017. System. Wandel. Entwicklung. Akteurinnen und Akteure inklusiver Prozesse im Spannungsfeld von Institution, Profession und Person [IFO 2017. System. Change. Development. Stakeholders of inclusive processes in the area of tension of institution, profession, and person] (p. 277–282). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Stange, W. (2010). Partizipation von Kindern [Participation of children]. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (38), 1–7.


[1] The factors that decide whether cooperation can be described as a co-construct are firstly, that the participants come together in the same place at the same time, and secondly, that the problem cannot be separately solved by individual participants in a similar way. The jointly negotiated co-construct should contain new interpretative aspects facilitating joint problem-solving by all participants, thus also opening up potential individual learning processes (cf. Brandt & Höck, 2011, p. 250).

[2] In this context, Gebauer und Simon (2012) developed a matrix for subject lessons that contains various modes of representation and interaction, and serves as a source of cross-subject ideas.