Humboldt International Teacher Training (HIT). Intercultural Learning in Germany and South Africa
What is Humboldt International Teacher Training (HIT)?
The project between Humboldt-Universität, Stellenbosch University and the University of the Western Cape offers multiple opportunities for students in teacher education from all three universities to meet and exchange: through joint winter schools abroad, an intercultural learning week, and joint online seminar sessions. The aim of the project is to develop and enhance the professional, intercultural, and personal skills of students, lecturers, and staff.
Study stays for undergraduate students will also be offered.
Founding and contributing members amongst the HU faculty are:
Dr. Beatrice Kollinger (Elementary school pedagogy)
Prof. Dr. Beate Lütke (Pedagogy of teaching German; German as a Second Language)
Prof. Dr. Detlef Pech (Elementary school pedagogy)
Julia Peuke (Elementary school pedagogy)
Prof. Dr. Marcela Pozas (Pedagogy of inclusion)
Dr. Constanze Saunders (German as a Second Language)
Humboldt LFP Research Seminars (April to July): During the summer term Humboldt-Universität students can participate in an LFP research seminar and work on their research focus in multilingual education, historical awareness or inclusive education. The LFP seminar is a compulsory course during the Praxissemester and prepares students to carry out their research project in schools. In addition, selected participants of the HIT project prepare for the Winter School in South Africa.
Winter Schools (August and January): The Winter Schools for graduate students (Master) take place in South Africa in August/September and in Berlin in January. Students have the opportunity to further develop their research questions, interact with local students and collect data in schools.
Student Exchange Programme: The study stay takes place in South Africa from August to December for undergraduate students (Bachelor) of the Humboldt-Universität and and in Berlin from October to February for South African students (both undergraduate and graduate).
There will be a meeting before your departure to give you all the important information and to get to know the group We will help you to organise and prepare your stay abroad.
The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). You can find more information on our bursaries page.