Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Professional School of Education

Workshops 2017


  • Forschendes Lernen im Lehramt: Konzept und Praktische Umsetzung | 15. Juni 2017
    Dr. Monika Sonntag und Laura Schilow

    Der Workshop richtet sich an alle in der Lehrkräftebildung Dozierenden aus den Fachwissenschaften, den Fachdidaktiken, den Bildungswissenschaften und der Sprachbildung, die ihre Lehrangebote for-schungsorientiert(er) gestalten möchten. Die Mitarbeiterinnen des bologna.labs, die seit langem HU-Dozierende bei forschungsorientierter Lehre unterstützen, geben einen Einblick in die Ziele und Prinzipien Forschenden Lernens und geben Tipps und Tricks zur praktischen Umsetzung. Einen wei-teren Schwerpunkt bildet die Einbeziehung von Reflexion und Feedback bei der Betreuung studentscher Forschungsprojekte. Ziel ist es, dass die Workshopteilnehmer_innen konkrete Handlungschritte für die eigene Lehrpraxis erarbeiten.


  • Design-Research: What, why, when and how? | 26. Juni 2017
    Prof. Jan van den Akker

    Design Research (DR) is seen by many as promising approach to make meaningful contri-butions to both theory and practice of education. During this workshop we will together:
    (i) analyse the essential characteristics of DR;
    (ii) discuss to what extent DR is indeed relevant and suitable for activities at the PSE; and
    (iii) explore how it could be applied in our work and what it would imply for (chang-ing) tasks and roles of the various PSE participants.
    After an introductory presentation on the conceptual and methodological essentials of DR, in small groups you will get the chance to outline how to apply DR to your project, followed by suggestions and feedback from the lecturers.


  • Giving students choices in research projects: How to decide for your class | 05. Juli 2017
    Prof. Angela Brew und Dr. Constanze Saunders

    What is research based learning and why is it part of teacher education? This workshop is designed to help you with your decision-making in regard to creating opportunities for students to engage in research during the BA and MEd teacher education programs. It will present a useful model for de-cision-making and provide opportunities for you to discuss and evaluate your own teaching deci-sions. The workshop will take the form of an engaged inquiry in which you will have an opportunity to consider with your colleagues the role of research-based learning in student teachers’ ongoing professional development.